Ruby substitute for Miro?


I have had a number of hassles with Miro - mostly to do with trying to
sort out problems by looking at the sqlite DB directly but it has
crashed so thoroughly now I want to replace it with a Ruby program. I
have written a little script which can look at the Miro download
directories and allow me to select a video file and play it with a
system call using mplayer. Of course there would be a lot of other
things to do before it could replace Miro but before I start hacking -
has anyone else been looking at something like this or thinking about



Philip R.

GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW 2001
E-mail: [email protected]

2009/7/14 Philip R. [email protected]


I have had a number of hassles with Miro - mostly to do with trying to sort
out problems by looking at the sqlite DB directly but it has crashed so
thoroughly now I want to replace it with a Ruby program.

great idea. maybe with an fxruby GUI?


Thomas P.
[email protected]

Sent from Berlin, BE, Germany

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