I am trying to obtain a sound library so I can write morse code practice
applications in ruby, I came across RUDL but can’t seem to get it to
build on my machine. Here’s the output I get when I build it:
I followed the dependency instructions that came with the library, and I
see there seems to be a patch necessary to build it. Either I don’t
understand how to apply the patch, or there’s another bug.
Anyone got this working, or can you recommend a gem/lib that will let me
make noise w/ ruby?
bonus pretzels if it works in jruby!
GB Hoyt
G Brandon H. wrote:
I came across RUDL but can’t seem to get it to build on my
machine. Here’s the output I get when I build it:
See http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=24767
ruby-1.9.1.patch is the patch you need to build rudl-0.8. You may
need the gcc4.patch from that page as well, at least on Arch
On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 7:42 AM, G Brandon H. [email protected]
Anyone got this working, or can you recommend a gem/lib that will let me
 make noise w/ ruby?
bonus pretzels if it works in jruby!
There’s a full set of sound libraries shipped with every Java runtime,
and they’re as easy to use from JRuby as any Ruby library (with
nothing to build or install either!)
Here’s a couple demos using the midi support in the JRE from Ruby:
I’ve not used the other sound libraries (basic formats built-in, many
third-party libs for other sound formats), but pretty much anything
you want to play ought to have a library for it.