I’m a newbie programmer and I’ve been trying to communicate with an
Arduino using the ruby-serialport library. If I run this:
require ‘rubygems’
require ‘serialport’
sp = SerialPort.new “COM3”, 9600
sp.write “H”
puts sp.read # hopefully “OK” 
I get this error (as a windows pop-up box):
‘The application has failed to start because msvcrt-ruby18.dll was not
found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem.’
and this ruby error in my command line window:
require': 126: The specified module could not be found. - D:/Ruby19/lib/ruby/1.9.1/i386-mingw32/serialport.so (LoadError) from D:/Ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-serialport/lib/serialport.rb:1:in
<top (required)>’
from ser.rb:2:in require' from ser.rb:2:in
As far as I can see, the serialport library was supposed to work with
1.8. There doesn’t seem to be a 1.9 version on the GitHub repository
I’m pretty stuck and don’t want to learn Python just so I can write
programs for my Arduino (I need to use an email library as well so I can
light an LED each time I get a new email - ie. I can’t use
Any suggestions much appreciated.
On Feb 4, 3:40 am, Tim N. [email protected] wrote:
<top (required)>' from ser.rb:2:in
from ser.rb:2:in `’
As far as I can see, the serialport library was supposed to work with
1.8. There doesn’t seem to be a 1.9 version on the GitHub repository
You’ve installed a Binary gem for 1.8 when you’ve tried to use Ruby
Please install a gem binary gem that is compatible with Ruby 1.9 or
force the compilation process indicating the “ruby” platform:
gem install ruby-serialport --platform=ruby
I can’t comment on the state of the gem itself, but if you used
RubyInstaller and the Development Kit, building other gems could be
straight forward as *nix OS.
Luis L. wrote:
On Feb 4, 3:40�am, Tim N. [email protected] wrote:
<top (required)>' � � � � from ser.rb:2:in
� � � � from ser.rb:2:in `’
As far as I can see, the serialport library was supposed to work with
1.8. There doesn’t seem to be a 1.9 version on the GitHub repository
You’ve installed a Binary gem for 1.8 when you’ve tried to use Ruby
Please install a gem binary gem that is compatible with Ruby 1.9 or
force the compilation process indicating the “ruby” platform:
gem install ruby-serialport --platform=ruby
I can’t comment on the state of the gem itself, but if you used
RubyInstaller and the Development Kit, building other gems could be
straight forward as *nix OS.
Hi Louis,
Does ruby-serial works well with ruby1.8 ?
There is a 1.9 version of this gem on github, I’m not sure why searching
didn’t find it.
Also, I believe this was released to gemcutter as serialport:
gem install serialport
/Shawn A.
Shawn A. wrote:
There is a 1.9 version of this gem on github, I’m not sure why searching
didn’t find it.
GitHub - shawn42/ruby-serialport: Ruby Serialport packed neatly into a gem.
Also, I believe this was released to gemcutter as serialport:
gem install serialport
/Shawn A.
Thanks but I still seem to get the same errors. First it gives me this
D:\Ruby19\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\gems\ruby-serialport\test>ruby miniterm.rb
miniterm.rb:1:in require': no such file to load -- ../serialport.so (LoadError) from miniterm.rb:1:in
So I find ‘serialport.so’ from here
http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=61&release_id=30322. The file called
‘serialport_win32.zip’. I put the ‘serialport.so’ file in the
D:\Ruby19\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\gems\ruby-serialport folder and then I get
this windows pop-up error again:
‘The application has failed to start because msvcrt-ruby18.dll was not
found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem.’
I don’t quite understand where I am going wrong. Is there some kind of
updated ‘serialport.so’ that I need?
Thanks for the help.
D:\Ruby19\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\gems\ruby-serialport\test>ruby miniterm.rb
miniterm.rb:1:in require': no such file to load -- ../serialport.so (LoadError) from miniterm.rb:1:in
I think this might mean there is “some other” dependency that it is
it appears that the “serialport” gem should build and work with 1.9.1
mingw + devkit
E:\dev\ruby\ruby-prof\test>gem install serialport
Building native extensions. This could take a while…
Successfully installed serialport-1.0.1
1 gem installed
require ‘serialport’
=> true
‘The application has failed to start because msvcrt-ruby18.dll was not
found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem.’
That ruby18.dll is a hint–you’re using ruby19 and it’s searching for
ruby18.dll, so there’s probably a problem there.
You could also try using an older version of Ruby for windows, which
probably would work with that .so file (“legacy one click installer” on
Also Python isn’t that hard to learn–we don’t hate it here 
After much effort I have finally got it to work!
For those who are interested I used this library and it works perfectly
with 1.9.1:
Thank you all!
Roger P. wrote:
D:\Ruby19\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\gems\ruby-serialport\test>ruby miniterm.rb
miniterm.rb:1:in require': no such file to load -- ../serialport.so (LoadError) from miniterm.rb:1:in
I think this might mean there is “some other” dependency that it is
it appears that the “serialport” gem should build and work with 1.9.1
mingw + devkit
E:\dev\ruby\ruby-prof\test>gem install serialport
Building native extensions. This could take a while…
Successfully installed serialport-1.0.1
1 gem installed
require ‘serialport’
=> true
‘The application has failed to start because msvcrt-ruby18.dll was not
found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem.’
That ruby18.dll is a hint–you’re using ruby19 and it’s searching for
ruby18.dll, so there’s probably a problem there.
You could also try using an older version of Ruby for windows, which
probably would work with that .so file (“legacy one click installer” on
Also Python isn’t that hard to learn–we don’t hate it here 
Hi Gordon and All ,
Thank you very much rubyinstaller.org groups . We achieved not only in
linux, windows too . As per the instructions from rubyinstaller.org , I
installed ruby1.8 and devkit .
Then Finally I download win32serial then I followed the instructions in
Readme from win32serial.zip . Then run the modem.rb sample file . Now
the modem is responding correctly .
However after rubyinstaller and devkit, I can shine in windows as same
as linux .Soon I am going to write documentations for this .
Greets a lot,