_Ruby Scripting Leopard_

I’ve begun work on a book for the Pragmatic Press called (today) Ruby
Scripting Leopard
. I’d like to assemble an audience who can review
drafts and tell me what people like them need. I’ve set up a mailing
list: http://groups.google.com/group/scripting-your-mac.

The one sentence description of the book is “How to do anything
AppleScript can do, but in Ruby.” That is, the main focus will be
using Ruby to control other apps like Mail or Safari. It’ll also show
you how to write code that makes use of Mac framework features (like
sending Growl notifications and putting controllers for your scripts
in the status bar). This won’t be your definitive guide to RubyCocoa,
though. It’s most likely that I won’t talk about Xcode or Interface
Builder at all.

The book will assume no experience scripting Macs (or anything else).
I’d like some helpers who fit that category, but also people with lots
of experience.

Readers should know Ruby, but I haven’t decided how much. Certainly
you needn’t be an expert. Anyone who knows Ruby to the level of my
earlier Everyday Scripting with Ruby is definitely in the audience.
