I am trying to write a ruby script which accepts a flag. That is, I
would like to execute the script by doing:
./assignment2.rb --verbose OR
How would I got about making the script accept a flag?
I am trying to write a ruby script which accepts a flag. That is, I
would like to execute the script by doing:
./assignment2.rb --verbose OR
How would I got about making the script accept a flag?
Jillian K. wrote:
I am trying to write a ruby script which accepts a flag. That is, I
would like to execute the script by doing:
./assignment2.rb --verbose OR
./assignment2.rbHow would I got about making the script accept a flag?
Every command-line argument that you pass into a Ruby script is
available via the ARGV aray. Therefore, if you call a script with
./assignment2.rb --verbose
then ARGV[0] is “–verbose”. Because command-line-option-handling (what
a word!) can be a bit cumbersome, you could use a library like
OptionParser (in the stdlib as “optparse”).
Jillian K. wrote:
I am trying to write a ruby script which accepts a flag. That is, I
would like to execute the script by doing:
./assignment2.rb --verbose OR
./assignment2.rbHow would I got about making the script accept a flag?
Command line options are stored in the ARGV array.
./assignment2.rb --verbose
ARGV[0] # => “–verbose”
If no command line options are supplied, ARGV will be empty.
Also look at optparse
in the standard library for handling more
complex command line options.
2009/11/3 Jillian K. [email protected]:
I am trying to write a ruby script which accepts a flag. That is, I
would like to execute the script by doing:
./assignment2.rb --verbose OR
./assignment2.rbHow would I got about making the script accept a flag?
You would use one of the option parsing libraries around. The
standard lib comes with OptionParser and GetoptLong. There are also
other libraries and gems around that do option processing (and
sometimes more). With OptionParser you could do
require ‘optparse’
$verbose = false
OptionParser.new do |opts|
opts.on ‘-v’, ‘–verbose’, ‘Print verbose messages’ do
$verbose = true
opts.on ‘-v’, ‘–[no-]verbose’, ‘Print verbose messages’ do |flag|
$verbose = flag
end.parse! ARGV
puts “verbose is on” if $verbose
Note that OptionParser also gives you some default options, for
example “-h” and “–help”.
Kind regards
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