I was wondering if there was a tracker for changes/requests for ruby
(2.0 maybe), or maybe a list of features that are considered for
becoming part of the new versions.
This far I have found the official bug tracker, which has a lot of bugs
from 2004 still in open status, so I was wondering if that list is
actively maintained.
Then there is the rcr archive, that might be abandonded too, plus
Matsumoto-san seems to be quite rigorous about what can go in there
Then there is rubygarden, which is touted as the official community
site, but which is inaccessible half the time and looks like a haunted
place when one can finally enter.
And finally, the mailing lists, which actually seem to be the most
active place to discuss ruby development, but here, I can feel a gap
between the -talk and -core lists.
If I wanted to get started with getting deeper into ruby (core)
development, what would be your advice?