== Ruport 0.4.9 ==
The “Sneakin’ Into RoR” Edition
== About ==
Ruby Reports is a software library that aims to make the task of
reporting less tedious and painful. It provides tools for data
acquisition, database interaction, formatting, and parsing/munging.
== New in this release ==
This release features some basic ActiveRecord/Rails integration via
acts_as_reportable, a new email system which allows attachments and
html emails, and some small enhancements to the formatting engine.
The new mail system is easily hot-swappable with various mail
libraries, but if you want it to work out of the box, you’ll need to
grab the mailfactory gem or install it manually.
An example of it in action is available in the form of a quine[2]
To begin exploring the ActiveRecord support, check out this simple bit
of Rails code[3] that shows acts_as_reportable being used to generate
a formatted html table from an AR Model.
Note, this would be require “ruport/rails”, not require “ruport”, in
your environment.rb file.
These two new features are experimental, and very much open to
feedback. If all goes well with the mailer, I will be adding
mailfactory as a dependency in the next release.
I am very rails dumb, so please let me know on the mailing list[4]
what you think of the support I’m offering thus far. (It basically
provides a way to create Ruport DataSets from models and find results.
and a high level hook to Ruport’s formatting system )
== Installing Ruport ==
it’s a gem. it can also be installed via setup.rb
detailed instructions available [1]
=== SVN tag ===
=== Project Download Page ===
=== Resources ===
[0] http://reporting.stonecode.org
[1] http://ruport.infogami.com/Installation
[2] http://ruport.infogami.com/The_Ruport_Mailer_Quine
[3] http://ruport.infogami.com/Poor_Man’s_Scaffolds_
[4] http://lists.stonecode.org/listinfo.cgi/ruport-stonecode.org
Please join the mailing list and bombard me with questions,
suggestions, and bug reports. Also feel free to contribute to the
=== Acknowledgements ===
David P. ( trying out ruport in rails before I added
acts_as_reportable )
Dinko Mehinovic ( win32 testing + release automation efforts )
Conor H. ( because without RAnnotate + rails.outertrack.com, browsing
api.rubyonrails.org would have been annoying )