Ruby Quiz 2.0 Prototype

I announced this at RubyConf, but for those who missed it there, we
have a Ruby Q. 2.0 prototype online at:

All the hard work you see here is by my partner-in-crime John
Nunemaker, who has just done a fabulous job bringing this to life.
Be sure and tell him how much we love the new site!

James Edward G. II

On 10/24/06, James Edward G. II [email protected] wrote:

James Edward G. II

I love the new site!


Very well done, awesome site

Maybe you could put the feeds directly on the layout instead of
providing a standalone page. Or are there going to be more feeds
available ?


On Wed, 2006-10-25 at 02:48 +0900, James Edward G. II wrote:

I announced this at RubyConf, but for those who missed it there, we
have a Ruby Q. 2.0 prototype online at:

All the hard work you see here is by my partner-in-crime John
Nunemaker, who has just done a fabulous job bringing this to life.
Be sure and tell him how much we love the new site!

Wow, that’s looking pretty cool - nice work!

New, new default Rubyforge theme, and the new

  • it seems there’s some hard work going on everywhere :slight_smile:

On Oct 25, 2006, at 6:21 AM, Mike C. wrote:

(Just thought you’d want to know…) THe menu bar doesn’t render
correctly on IE 7 (beta 3) it stairsteps down as it moves right

We are aware of this issue, yes. Thanks for bringing it up though.

James Edward G. II

On Oct 25, 2006, at 3:27 AM, Jonas P. wrote:

Maybe you could put the feeds directly on the layout instead of
providing a standalone page. Or are there going to be more feeds
available ?

This is one of the changes I want to make before launch, yes. I want
to move them to the footer of the layout.

James Edward G. II

(Just thought you’d want to know…) THe menu bar doesn’t render
correctly on IE 7 (beta 3) it stairsteps down as it moves right

Just wanted to make sure to tell him how much I love the site :wink:
Very nice indeed

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress
depends on the unreasonable man.

  • George Bernard Shaw