Hi there =)
Do you know if i can develop apps with QT Gui Interface?
If so…where can i find documentation?
Thanks in advance.
Hi there =)
Do you know if i can develop apps with QT Gui Interface?
If so…where can i find documentation?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can. Take a look at these sites:
(some interesting discussions in the forums in Korundum’s site).
You will also be interested in the “Rapid GUI Development with RubyQt”
ebook by Caleb T.:
Do not forget Richard Dale’s blog, he is the main author of QtRuby:
On the other hand, some of us hang around #qtruby and #kde-ruby in
Pau Garcia i Quiles
(Due to the amount of work, I usually need 10 days to answer)
Quoting Flaab M. [email protected]:
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