Ruby Q's

Hi I’ve been doing rails for a while, which was really my first
introduction to ruby. I’ve found my self using ruby more and more and
keep amazing my self about how cool it is, although I’ve got a few
questions, or rather holes in my ruby knowledge, from rails doing a lot
of stuff for you I think.

  1. What does a double colon do in terms of class inheritance. ie.
    GameWindow < Gosu::Window ?

  2. Why would you want to use nested classes?

  3. Is it bad practice to define constance out of classes?

  4. How/Can you delete instance variables or objects?

Phil Cooper-king wrote:

  1. What does a double colon do in terms of class inheritance.


ie. GameWindow < Gosu::Window ?

This means that GameWindow inherits from the class Gosu::Window, which
is the
class Window in the namespace Gosu.

  1. Why would you want to use nested classes?

To avoid name collision or just to group things together that belong
or keep classes that won’t be directly used by the user out of the main
namespace. Like if you have a class Card that uses the class Rank, but
user won’t ever create an instance of class Rank himself (he just will
Rank object when he does my_card.rank), you’d nest Rank inside Card (and
probably inside MyGame, for the previous reasons).

  1. Is it bad practice to define constance out of classes?

Not as such, but it’s generally a good idea - at least for libraries
that will
be used by other ruby files, to have all your stuff in a namespace to
name collision as in point 2.

  1. How/Can you delete instance variables

Just set them to nil or use remove_instance_variable (the former won’t
actually delete the variable, but why do you need to do that anyway?)

or objects?

An objects gets GCed when it’s no longer referenced by any variables.


On Sunday 15 June 2008, Phil Cooper-king wrote:

Hi I’ve been doing rails for a while, which was really my first
introduction to ruby. I’ve found my self using ruby more and more and
keep amazing my self about how cool it is, although I’ve got a few
questions, or rather holes in my ruby knowledge, from rails doing a lot
of stuff for you I think.

  1. What does a double colon do in terms of class inheritance. ie.
    GameWindow < Gosu::Window ?

Nothing special. As always, it’s used to access a constant defined in
class or module. In your specific example, it is used to access the
class in the Gosu module so that the GameWindow class can inherit it. It
exactly the same as:

window = Gosu::Window

class GameWindow < window

  1. Why would you want to use nested classes?
    Personally, I use nested classes when the inner class is closey coupled
    to the
    outer and isn’t meant to be used by itself(for example, it can be a
    class used by the implementation of the outer class and which isn’t
    useful if
    used in other ways). They don’t provide additional benefits, but make
    the programmer’s intent
  1. Is it bad practice to define constance out of classes?
    Constants defined outside classes are top level constants, so the answer
    depends on the meaning of the constant. If it is related to the
    application or
    library as a whole, it may make sense to define it globally (for
    example, a
    constant containing the application version). If it is specific of a
    put it there (for example, take the constants defined in class Regexp.
    are meant to be used only in methods of that class, so it wouldn’t make
    to define it globally).
  1. How/Can you delete instance variables or objects?
    It depends on what you exactly mean, but I’d say the answer is no. I
    think you can force an object to be garbage-collected, and you cant
    an instance variable. What you can do is to make possible for the object
    to be
    garbage-collected by setting all variables which point to it to
    something else
    and set an instance variable to nil.


On Sunday 15 June 2008, Stefano C. wrote:

and you cant undefine an instance variable.


Sorry, I misread the documentation. You can indeed undefine an instance
variable, using the remove_instance_variable method. Since it is
though, if you need to call it from outside the instance, you can either

obj.send :remove_instance_variable :@var

or make the method public

class C

public :remove_instance_variable


  1. What does a double colon do in terms of class inheritance. ie.
    GameWindow < Gosu::Window ?

Nothing. It’s a namespace thing.

  1. Why would you want to use nested classes?

In order not to pollute the global namespace.

  1. Is it bad practice to define constance out of classes?

It depends on whether you care about polluting the global namespace.
IMHO, yes.

  1. How/Can you delete instance variables or objects?

By removing references to it (unsetting variables pointing to the
object) and letting the garbage collector do its work. I’m not sure
what you mean with “delete instance variables”.

I hope the answers are about right. If not, please somebody correct

Phil Cooper-king wrote:

Thanks guys.

the Gosu::Window thing would that be an example of nested then? as in
Gosu module Window class?


the deleting instance var object was something that I was trying to do
in regards to Gosu Game lib.
it tries to update itself 60 times a second, so if you press a key it
gets regstered by the lib several times. I was trying to create a method
that it would once the key was pressed it remained inactive for a set
time. I was using the Gosu::milliseconds for this. it seemed easier to
create a class that handled this, and I was getting worried that it
would create loads of objects that only had a short life span then
sucked up perfomance as the game continued. but if they delete them self
if there is no pointer to them that works.

In your key handling method, wrap the logic in something like
if not @pause_end or Gosu::milliseconds > @pause_end


After you handle whatever key was pressed, just add a line like:

@pause_end = Gosu::milliseconds + 500 # or however long you want it to
be inactive

In regards to this post, a more relevant example of an instance variable
reference problem is the following:

In a Game Object, there is an Area object.
An area object has Player A and Player B, which are themselves objects.

When Player A interacts (such as attacks) Player B, both objects store a
reference to each other in order to interact.

So in this sense, the Game Object, Area Object and both players have
reference to player objects.

Now, if Player A quits the game, the Game Object might make the
reference to the Player A = nil.

It would be very helpful to be able to destroy the object, without
having to find all objects referencing this object to finally get Player
A to become nil.

I would appreciate help on this matter, on how to make a single object
nil and have that propagate to everything referencing it.

Thanks guys.

the Gosu::Window thing would that be an example of nested then? as in
Gosu module Window class?

the deleting instance var object was something that I was trying to do
in regards to Gosu Game lib.
it tries to update itself 60 times a second, so if you press a key it
gets regstered by the lib several times. I was trying to create a method
that it would once the key was pressed it remained inactive for a set
time. I was using the Gosu::milliseconds for this. it seemed easier to
create a class that handled this, and I was getting worried that it
would create loads of objects that only had a short life span then
sucked up perfomance as the game continued. but if they delete them self
if there is no pointer to them that works.

Andres Colon wrote:

reference to player objects.

Now, if Player A quits the game, the Game Object might make the
reference to the Player A = nil.

It would be very helpful to be able to destroy the object, without
having to find all objects referencing this object to finally get Player
A to become nil.

I would appreciate help on this matter, on how to make a single object
nil and have that propagate to everything referencing it.

Two approaches come to mind. The first is make the Game Object
observable (see observable.rb). When it is destroyed it notifies the
objects that refer to it.

The second is to pass around an indirect reference to the Game Object.
For example, make an array that contains only the Game Objecct and give
the players a reference to the array. When the Game Object is destroyed
it sets the array element to nil. The players never refer to the game
object directly, only via the array and only after making sure it hasn’t
become nil.