Ruby programming problem

I just started to teach myself ruby as a first language from Chris
Pines’s book. There is a exercise to write a program that will
translate arabic numbers to old style roman numbers.
I have completed the exercise and my code is works but only if I type
in numbers that are not divisible by 5. As soon I type in a number
divisible by 5 I get the following error: No implicit conversion from
nil to integer (Type error)
I completely stuck.
I would be really grateful if someone could look at my code and
explain what am I doing wrong.
puts ‘Please type in a number that you would like to be translated’
puts ‘to old style Roman number:’

def romnum leftover
var_i = ‘I’
var_v = ‘V’
var_x = ‘X’
var_l = ‘L’
var_c = ‘C’
var_d = ‘D’
var_m = ‘M’

leftover = ''

leftover = gets.chomp

numb_m  = leftover.to_i / 1000
leftover = leftover.to_i % 1000

if leftover != 0
    numb_d = leftover / 500
    leftover = leftover % 500

    if leftover != 0
        numb_c = leftover / 100
        leftover = leftover % 100

        if leftover != 0
            numb_l = leftover / 50
            leftover = leftover % 50

            if leftover != 0
                numb_x = leftover /10
                leftover = leftover % 10

                if leftover != 0
                    numb_v = leftover / 5
                    leftover = leftover % 5

                    if leftover != 0
                        numb_i = leftover /1
                        leftover = 0

puts var_m * numb_m + var_d * numb_d + var_c * numb_c + var_l *

numb_l + var_x * numb_x + var_v * numb_v + var_i * numb_i

romnum 5

Ahmy Y.

On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 1:43 AM, Loren [email protected] wrote:

       numb_c = leftover / 100
               if leftover != 0
                   numb_v = leftover / 5
                   leftover = leftover % 5
                  # at this line, leftover = 0


puts var_m * numb_m + var_d * numb_d + var_c * numb_c + var_l *
numb_l + var_x * numb_x + var_v * numb_v + var_i * numb_i

this line interpret as var_i * nil
hence that error

simple solution is

change it to :

var_i * (numb_i || 0)

that line actually mean :

var_i * numb_i if numb_i is not nil
else var_i * 0

On 11 January 2012 11:07, Ahmy Y. [email protected] wrote:

var_i * numb_i if numb_i is not nil
else var_i * 0

Also have a look at the Rails Guide on debugging, that will show you
how to use ruby-debug to break into your code and inspect data, which
will help when you have similar issues again.


Thank you. I will take a look at it.

On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 06:07, Ahmy Y. [email protected] wrote:

simple solution is

change it to :

var_i * (numb_i || 0)

Even simpler solution is to initialize the variable first. But with
that approach, you should do them all – the current solution will
barf on the first digit past the one that the number is a multiple of.
(That is, if you feed it 30, it will barf due to var_v being nil; if
you feed it 150, it’ll barf due to num_x being nil, etc.)

Another one would be to just output the needed digits immediately,
rather than stashing the number of them and outputting them later.


Dave A., President, Dave A. Software Engineering and Training
Ruby on Rails Freelancing (Northern Virginia, Washington DC, or Remote),,, & (NEW!)
Specialization is for insects. (Heinlein) - Have Pun, Will Babble! (me)