Ruby OpenSSL issues

I am trying to update ruby on my mac and keep getting an issue with
openssl. I have this posted on StackOverflow so if you can answer it you
can get some points over there too.

Using rvm I upgraded my ruby to 1.9.3-p392, also added 2.0.0, anytime I
try to use this version when I run my bundle command I get this error.

Could not load OpenSSL.
You must recompile Ruby with OpenSSL support or change the sources in
your Gemfile from ‘https’ to ‘http’. Instructions for compiling with
OpenSSL using RVM are
available at RVM: Ruby Version Manager - Please use 'rvm autolibs enable'.

I have followed several different instructions on how to fix this. I
have tried removing the version and installing it with the rvm options


I have installed OpenSSL with rvm, and macports. Both have not helped
the problem. I even changed the file location of the ssl cert using

export SSL_CERT_FILE=/Users/DarkLord/.rvm/usr/ssl/cert.pem

$ openssl version
OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013

$ which openssl

check my post - and build your ruby as I described


On Mar 5, 2013, at 0:42 , Curtis O. [email protected] wrote:


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Tomas Meinlschmidt, MS {MCT, MCP+I, MCSE, AER}, NetApp Filer/NetCache