Ruby on the iPhone


just a quick note to let everyone know that it is now possible to run
Ruby on the iPhone:

Terminal App: Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.
Ruby binaries:

I haven’t tested this myself as I have no iPhone.
It looks damn cool, though. Reports from people with iPhones trying
this are very welcome. :slight_smile:

Now we only need someone to make UIKit available to Ruby and it will
be possible to build applications for the iPhone in Ruby. Wouldn’t
that rock?

Kind regards,
Florian G.

On Sun, Aug 05, 2007, Florian G. wrote:

Now we only need someone to make UIKit available to Ruby and it will
be possible to build applications for the iPhone in Ruby. Wouldn’t
that rock?

I wonder if it’s possible to install RubyCocoa? If so, UIKit might be
within closer grasp than it seems.

Anybody wanna donate their iPhone to me for haxorizing? :smiley:
