Ruby on rails + Textmate

So I saw that screencast using Textmate and RoR, and it looks fun…is
there a way to use Textmate with RoR projects that are online?

Through an FTP client, yes. I use Transmit on the Mac, which does
SFTP. The only downside is you can’t open folders as projects. Each
file you open gets its own TM window. Through Transmit, whenever I
save the file in TextMate, it gets uploaded immediately.


Yeah that’s what I meant, if there was a way to open a folder as a
project on a remote FTP server.

I’m using SSHFS (via MacFusion) with TextMate and had lots of issues
with file corruption (files were truncated, files cached to
aggressively so things like logs wouldn’t re-read after a close/
open). This might be Mac-only (or 10.4.? only) or a problem with my
environment but I’d be careful.

On Wed, 5 Dec 2007, DC wrote:

Yeah that’s what I meant, if there was a way to open a folder as a
project on a remote FTP server.

sshfs + vim