Ruby On Rails Salary in the UK? how much?


What do you think is a reasonable salary for a ROR programmer in
Manchester, UK?
If you’re working with ROR and in the UK i’d be interested in knowing
your salary :slight_smile:

Your opinions would be very valuable to me

JDalton wrote:


What do you think is a reasonable salary for a ROR programmer in
Manchester, UK?

As someone working in the area, I would have to say, ooooh, roughly a
meellion pounds a year :slight_smile:

My opinion on the wages of software developmers is not entirely aligned
with a lot of employers, including my present one :wink: I probably read a
bit too much Joel on Software:

Whatever you’d expect for the level of the position and your own
capibilities, regardless of language/framework, that’s a fair salary.

I wouldn’t argue that because ROR skills are “rarer” that they’re worth
more, simply because the number of people who wish to employ ROR
is similarly rarer.