I apologize in advance if this is neither the time nor place for a
Ruby on Rails job posting, but here goes:
Promethean Ventures, LLC is a small, Chicago based startup. Our
current project involves putting the finishing touches on our website
- a revolutionary movie and critic recommendation engine. We’re
scouting for creative, deadline-oriented developers with a background
in Ruby on Rails, SQL, and serious web design. We anticipate roughly
20 hours per week of work over at least a 2 month period, during which
time we will have launched our site, and begun moving onto the core
development of it’s next exciting phase of operation.
Development contractors will be compensated in the form of hourly
contractor wages and/or shares in the project. The nature of this
start-up is high risk, with a huge prfofit potential.
In addition to programming and web design experience, a resume,
technical interview and the signing of a Non Disclosure Agreement
(NDA) are required.
For questions and comments, please contact Josh B. at
[email protected].