I want to build Application with ROR
and this App can integrate with Object same as Client
But I don’t know how to build it
Please give me some advice for it.
haxuan lac wrote in post #1113439:
I want to build Application with ROR
and this App can integrate with Object same as Client
But I don’t know how to build it
Please give me some advice for it.
You might want to try this:
I have some information about handleOpenURL with IOS<4.2 for delegate
and applicationpenURL:sourceApplication:annotation with IOS >=4.3
I don’t konw how to use this method in ROR
someone can solve for me this question ,please
On Jun 24, 2013, at 11:50 AM, haxuan lac wrote:
I don’t konw how to use this method in ROR
You can’t (without writing a gem, which would only run on iOS/OSX), you
use them from an Objective-C app. The problem is that your question was
extremely vague, some kind person tried to guess what your question
really was and answer it, and apparently guessed wrong.
Ask about what you specifically need to do.
Scott R.
[email protected]
(303) 722-0567 voice