I’m in my final year of a BSc Computer Science course (my final year
project is on Rails) and have been seraching high and low for some
publications on the success of Ruby on Rails within industry.
I’m basically looking for some details on productivity within an
organisation and how it has helped (or not if the case may be) that
paritucular organisation in delivering projects.
As I said, I’ve gone through all the usual channels to find some
details, but have only really come across blog entries that talk about
the lines of code involves in a Rails application to another (as an
exmaple), as well as a few pod casts that mentions similar details.
Obviously this would go someway to suggest Rails would be useful in
reducing project time (less code to write = less time taken, at least in
theory), but it doesn’t really produce any facts.
I know Rails is still rather new, but was wondering if perhaps I was
missing something? Have their been any landmark studies into “Rails in
industry” at all?
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Failing that, is there anyone out there who actually uses Rails in
industry and wouldn’t mind answering a few questions based on your
experiences? It would basically be a case of sending you a text document
with a few questions on that you’d send back in your own time, so as to
make it convenient.
Ideally I’d be looking for people with a good few years experience prior
to taking up Rails, so as to compare the technologies and how you found
them. Again though, I’m struggling to really get an opinion from those
using Rails in industry on a full time basis, so any level would also be
Thanks in advance for any feedback on this,
Tim H. wrote:
I’m in my final year of a BSc Computer Science course (my final year
project is on Rails) and have been seraching high and low for some
publications on the success of Ruby on Rails within industry.
I’m basically looking for some details on productivity within an
organisation and how it has helped (or not if the case may be) that
paritucular organisation in delivering projects.
As I said, I’ve gone through all the usual channels to find some
details, but have only really come across blog entries that talk about
the lines of code involves in a Rails application to another (as an
exmaple), as well as a few pod casts that mentions similar details.
Obviously this would go someway to suggest Rails would be useful in
reducing project time (less code to write = less time taken, at least in
theory), but it doesn’t really produce any facts.
I know Rails is still rather new, but was wondering if perhaps I was
missing something? Have their been any landmark studies into “Rails in
industry” at all?
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Unfortunately I cannot provide data you expect, but maybe you are
interested in some of my comparisons made by me:
I have implemented the “payroll” application from “Agile Software
Development” in ruby. It took me 10 times less LOC than the author wrote
Here is my post about it:
Tim H. wrote:
Failing that, is there anyone out there who actually uses Rails in
industry and wouldn’t mind answering a few questions based on your
experiences? It would basically be a case of sending you a text document
with a few questions on that you’d send back in your own time, so as to
make it convenient.
Ideally I’d be looking for people with a good few years experience prior
to taking up Rails, so as to compare the technologies and how you found
them. Again though, I’m struggling to really get an opinion from those
using Rails in industry on a full time basis, so any level would also be
Thanks in advance for any feedback on this,
Tim H. wrote:
I’m in my final year of a BSc Computer Science course (my final year
project is on Rails) and have been seraching high and low for some
publications on the success of Ruby on Rails within industry.
I’m basically looking for some details on productivity within an
organisation and how it has helped (or not if the case may be) that
paritucular organisation in delivering projects.
As I said, I’ve gone through all the usual channels to find some
details, but have only really come across blog entries that talk about
the lines of code involves in a Rails application to another (as an
exmaple), as well as a few pod casts that mentions similar details.
Obviously this would go someway to suggest Rails would be useful in
reducing project time (less code to write = less time taken, at least in
theory), but it doesn’t really produce any facts.
I know Rails is still rather new, but was wondering if perhaps I was
missing something? Have their been any landmark studies into “Rails in
industry” at all?
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Hi Tim,
I successfully deployed a Rails application at a power generating
company two years ago, which handled aggregating realtime data from
many different systems. Since then, I started my own company to
continue to provide the energy industry with similar realtime data and
financial applications, all built on Rails.
Previously, I spent 10 years in the financial industry and in the
parallel computing space writing in FORTRAN, C, C++ and a hodge-podge
of other languages, frameworks and libraries.
I’d be happy to answer some questions about my experiences if it would
help you out.
On Jan 18, 1:43 pm, Tim H. [email protected]
Mike D. wrote:
Hi Tim,
I successfully deployed a Rails application at a power generating
company two years ago, which handled aggregating realtime data from
many different systems. Since then, I started my own company to
continue to provide the energy industry with similar realtime data and
financial applications, all built on Rails.
Previously, I spent 10 years in the financial industry and in the
parallel computing space writing in FORTRAN, C, C++ and a hodge-podge
of other languages, frameworks and libraries.
I’d be happy to answer some questions about my experiences if it would
help you out.
On Jan 18, 1:43 pm, Tim H. [email protected]
Hey Mike,
This would be very helpful 
Have you perhaps an e-mail address I could contact you on?
I will try and put together a decent set of questions to send you over
the next few days, possibly with some follow up after you send some
answers if that is ok?
Hey Botond,
That is actually very helpful and does help me in my research, its a
good example of Rails use 
Thank you,
Botond Orban wrote:
Unfortunately I cannot provide data you expect, but maybe you are
interested in some of my comparisons made by me:
I have implemented the “payroll” application from “Agile Software
Development” in ruby. It took me 10 times less LOC than the author wrote
Here is my post about it:
Orban Botond's Blog: Ruby on Rails productivity
Hi Mike,
If you could e-mail me some information on the questions I posted above
that would be great, my e-mail is [email protected]
Thanks very much for this,
Tim H. wrote:
Mike D. wrote:
Hi Tim,
I successfully deployed a Rails application at a power generating
company two years ago, which handled aggregating realtime data from
many different systems. Since then, I started my own company to
continue to provide the energy industry with similar realtime data and
financial applications, all built on Rails.
Previously, I spent 10 years in the financial industry and in the
parallel computing space writing in FORTRAN, C, C++ and a hodge-podge
of other languages, frameworks and libraries.
I’d be happy to answer some questions about my experiences if it would
help you out.
On Jan 18, 1:43 pm, Tim H. [email protected]
Hey Mike,
This would be very helpful 
Have you perhaps an e-mail address I could contact you on?
I will try and put together a decent set of questions to send you over
the next few days, possibly with some follow up after you send some
answers if that is ok?