Ruby on Rails 2.1 Tutorial


I have put all the basic things in place and you will find it a working
tutorial for Ruby on Rails 2.1.

I have covered Model, Controller and Views in detail and you will find a
nice example on scaffolding.

If you like this tutorial then please share it with others…Oh
yes…if you have any feedback then please definitely send it to me.


Ruby on Rails 2.1 Tutorial

I have covered Model, Controller and Views in detail and you will find a
nice example on scaffolding.

Any tutorial that doesn’t cover unit testing is worse than useless!

Dear Friends…many times negative comments become very much

I took Phlip very much positive and today onwards I’m going to work on
Unit Testing part of this tutorial.


On Jun 16, 11:48 am, Mc Mohd [email protected] wrote:

I took Phlip very much positive and today onwards I’m going to work on
Unit Testing part of this tutorial.

That’s what I call being the bigger man.

Good job.


Hi, I think that any tutorial that has been created for the community
is worthwhile with/without unit testing.
Also, please feel free to contribute to the unit testing portion of
his tutorial instead of posting your negative comments. In short, if
you don’t know how to post contructive criticism, then don’t post at


Sent from my iPhone

Great attitude. Looking forward to the revised edition!
