I’m preparing my development machines for the imminent release of new
Lion OS and I have few questions that I’m hoping someone will help me
Lion supposedly comes with 1.8.7 version of MRI (ruby 1.8.7
(2010-01-10 patchlevel 249)) and I still have some projects that need
1.8.6 branch and also many that are on 1.9.x branch.
Is there a best practice guideline that tells you how to compile,
install & run different ruby interpreters and different version of
In all seriousness it has been incredibly helpful for our team as we
have migrated from merb to sinatra to rails and from mongrel to
passenger under apache amd then nginx - lots of ruby version-specific
testing and validation with those and ruby 186, then ruby 187, then
187 enterprise and now getting everything working with 192 MRI.
You will most likely come to appreciate it very much if you transition
between frameworks and/or web containers.