Ruby-oci8 1.0.1

ruby-oci8 1.0.1 is released. This is a Oracle module using OCI8 API.

ruby-oci8-unstalbe 2.0-svn-262 is also released.
This will be ruby-oci8 2.0 in future. Many features are added.
Some of them are contributed by Oracle Corporation.
Excuse me for not writing changes between 1.0 and 2.0.

What’s new in ruby-oci8 1.0.1.

  1. [SPEC CHANGE] OCI8#exec and OCI8::Cursor#exec’s return value is
    for statement except select, insert, update and delete statement.

    It had been true. But now it is the number of rows processed for all
    non-select statements.

    For example:

    1.0.0 or before

    conn =‘user/pass’)
    conn.exec(‘rename FOO_TABLE to BAR_TABLE’) # => true


    conn =‘user/pass’)
    conn.exec(‘rename FOO_TABLE to BAR_TABLE’) # => 0

  2. fix a bug that made a core dump on x86_64 linux.
    (reported by Alun Eyre)

  3. fix OCI8#non_blocking = false problem.
    Once the connection became non-bocking mode, it could
    not be reset to blocking mode. Now it can be reset.
    (reported by Cagdas Gerede)

  4. support cursors in a result set.
    (contributed by Randy Gordon)

    For example:
    conn =‘ruby/oci8’)
    sql = ‘SELECT CURSOR(SELECT * FROM foo where foo.c1 = bar.c1 )
    FROM bar’
    conn.exec(sql) do |row|
    cursor_in_result_set = row[0]
    cursor_in_result_set.fetch do |row|
    puts row.join(‘,’)

  5. fix oraconf.rb for official x86_64 linux rpms.
    (contributed by Pat)

Thanks Kubo.

  1. fix oraconf.rb for official x86_64 linux rpms.

(contributed by Pat)

And is the official i386/x86_64 linux Ruby-OCI8 rpms available?

2008/4/27 KUBO Takehiro [email protected]:

Hi Jesse,

On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 12:18 PM, Jesse Hu [email protected] wrote:

And is the official i386/x86_64 linux Ruby-OCI8 rpms available?

No. I don’t know how to make binary gems for mswin32.
Is there any article which explains the way?


On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 1:51 PM, KUBO Takehiro [email protected] wrote:

Hi Jesse,

On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 12:18 PM, Jesse Hu [email protected] wrote:

And is the official i386/x86_64 linux Ruby-OCI8 rpms available?

No. I don’t know how to make binary gems for mswin32.

I misread ‘rpms’ as ‘gems’. But same answer.
No official ruby-oci8 rpms will be made because the compiled binary
may not work on other distributions and with different oracle versions.
It is a task of distributor’s package managers.

  1. fix oraconf.rb for official x86_64 linux rpms.
    (contributed by Pat)

This means “official x86_64 linux instant client rpms.”

On 4/27/08, KUBO Takehiro [email protected] wrote:

Hi Jesse,

On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 12:18 PM, Jesse Hu [email protected] wrote:

And is the official i386/x86_64 linux Ruby-OCI8 rpms available?

No. I don’t know how to make binary gems for mswin32.
Is there any article which explains the way?

Here it is what I do. If anyone have a better procedure, I’d like to

I use a Rakefile for building gems:

But when building a binary gem, I need to add

s.platform = Gem::Platform::CURRENT

to the gemspec, which adds the platform name to the name of the gem. I
also add the shared object to the list of files.

Finally I build the extension and run rake package to create the
distribution files.