I’m very new to Ruby and I’m trying to create a program that will take
one text file and dump each line into an array. Then I take a second
file and dump that into a string. Then I insert the string into the
array. The code for these pieces work. However, for flexibility I want/
need to be able to use OO methods and that is where I seem to hit a
wall. Not sure what I am supposed to do or how to call it. Below is my
code, any input you may have would be greatly appreciated!!!
class XMLProcessing
def initialize(array_file, string_file, output_file)
@array_file = array_file
@string_file = string_file
@output_file = output_file
def lines_to_array
# Dump each line from text file into array
File.open(@array_file).each do |line|
my_array << line
def file_to_string
# Create string from text file
@my_string_file = File.open(@string_file)
my_string = @my_string_file.read
def string_into_array
# Insert string into array
my_array.insert((my_array.length - 1), my_string)
def new_array_to_file
# Dump the array to a text file
newFile = File.new(@output_file, “w+”)
my_array.each { |element| newFile.puts element }
print 'New file created: ’ + (@output_file)
stat_xml = XMLProcessing.new(“Stat.Template.xml”, “Seg.Template.xml”,