Hi there,
I’m playing a little with DRb and I found it can’t join other computers
which are behind a firewall or a NAT network. I discovered DRbFire at
this forum, but after some days trying to make it work I’m not able to
do it.
I’m creating a local DRb server (using drbfire as protocol) in my
computer, which is part of a NAT network, as
‘drbfire://’. Then I launch another process (client)
which tries to connect to my local DRb server. Of course, if the client
tries to connect to ‘drbfire://’ or localhost, it works.
But if I give as host ‘drbfire://public ip:5555’ it doesn’t work, even
if I activate port redirection in my router.
I’m using windows xp sp2, ipv6 deactivated. Computer is on DMZ. Firewall
allows ruby.exe to comunicate with internet.
Could you give me any idea about how to solve it?
Thanks a lot!