Thanks Marnen for response.
yes I have mysql how service and it’s running.
Reviewing the error, I found that the problem is to run jruby.bat,
because the error message says "The system can not find the path
specified. I have executed jruby.bat by command line and gives me the
same error. I’ve open the file but I didn’t understand the variables in
the code
The only thing I did was add to the Windows system var PATH the
following path but nothing has changed: “C: \ Program Files \ NetBeans
6.7.1 \ ruby2 \ jruby-1.2.0 \ bin”
Luis Fernando
@echo off
rem jruby.bat - Start Script for the JRuby Interpreter
rem for info on environment variables, see internal batch script
rem Sometimes, when jruby.bat is being invoked from another BAT file,
rem %~dp0 is incorrect and points to the current dir, not to JRuby’s bin
rem so we look on the PATH in such cases.
IF EXIST “%~dp0_jrubyvars.bat” (set FULL_PATH=%~dp0) ELSE (set
call “%FULL_PATH%_jrubyvars.bat” %*
-Xbootclasspath/a:“%JRUBY_CP%” -classpath “%CP%;%CLASSPATH%”
-Djruby.home=“%JRUBY_HOME%” -Djruby.lib=“%JRUBY_HOME%\lib”“cmd.exe” -Djruby.script=jruby.bat org.jruby.Main
call “%FULL_PATH%_jrubycleanup”
rem 1. exit must be on the same line in order to see local %E% variable!
rem 2. we must use cmd /c in order for the exit code properly returned!
rem See JRUBY-2094 for more details.
endlocal & cmd /d /c exit /b %E%
Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:
Luis Sanmartin wrote:
Hello, I’m new on Ruby on NetBeans,
I would strongly recommend that you not use NetBeans for Rails
development. It’s a great IDE for other things, but it’s overkill for
Rails. Try KomodoEdit or similar.
I’m working with a windows XP. I’m
tried to build mysql gem and I’ve got an error message:
JRuby limited openssl loaded. gem install jruby-openssl for full
Building native extensions. This could take a while…
ERROR: Error installing mysql:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
C:/Archivos de programa/NetBeans 6.7.1/ruby2/jruby-1.2.0/bin/jruby.bat
extconf.rb install mysql --no-rdoc --no-ri
El sistema no puede hallar la ruta especificada.
Should somebody help me, plese ? Thanks a lot.
Do you have the mySQL DB server installed? You need that – or at least
the dev headers – for the gem to build, I believe.
(BTW, try PostgreSQL at some point. It’s a better DB.)
Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]