Ruby Murray - Sub::Curry on Ruby Acid

Ruby Murray, a Ruby port of Perl’s Sub::Curry (with added Ruby
goodness), is now available in it’s first 0.1.2 release.

Ruby Murray allows block arguments to be supplied prior to calling (to
be ‘curried’) and also supports a range of features that allow arguments
to be populated in arbitrary order and with complex processing.

Out now: or ‘gem install rubymurray’

(yes, it’s my solution to quiz 64, I thought it might be nice to release
it but only just got round to it).

cool naming, nice functionality, easy using.
AFAIK this is a instantiation of the Design Pattern called “Command” by
the Gang of Four.
i can not imagine a problem where i needed such flexible argument list.
can anyone provide a motivation example in ruby?
i’d suggest to add a small sample of usage to the docs.
– henon

On 2006-02-21 12:08:22 -0500, “henon” [email protected] said:

cool naming, nice functionality, easy using.
AFAIK this is a instantiation of the Design Pattern called “Command” by
the Gang of Four.
i can not imagine a problem where i needed such flexible argument list.
can anyone provide a motivation example in ruby?
i’d suggest to add a small sample of usage to the docs.
– henon

I’m not entirely sure where you’d use this sort of feature either, but
for the uninformed (such as myself)…

  1. A snazzy article on Currying in Wikipedia >>
    Currying - Wikipedia
  2. The “Command” design pattern >>


Oh, I never said it was useful :slight_smile:
in fact it is very useful for most elegantly implementing undo/redo
commands. i was just curious about other applications.

thank’s for the link to the cookbook. i did only find the link to the
perl version at first.
– Henon

On Wed, 2006-02-22 at 02:13 +0900, henon wrote:

cool naming, nice functionality, easy using.
AFAIK this is a instantiation of the Design Pattern called “Command” by
the Gang of Four.
i can not imagine a problem where i needed such flexible argument list.
can anyone provide a motivation example in ruby?
i’d suggest to add a small sample of usage to the docs.
– henon

Oh, I never said it was useful :slight_smile:

Actually, I don’t think there’s anything in Ruby that can’t be done
(better) some other way, but currying is one of those higher-order
things that every (decent) language should have ;).

Most of the examples I could contrive are in the docs - not sure if it’s
linked prominently enough but did you see

James Edward G. II also came up with a good example in the quiz
summary, based on his LazySpice spice (included in this release):

    # Lazy Evaluation meets Currying...
    class LazySpice < Curry::SpiceArg
      def initialize( &promise )

        @promise = promise

      def spice_arg( args )  # called to provide the missing 


    logger = lambda do |time, message|
      puts "[#{time.strftime('%I:%M:%S %p %m/%d/%y')}] #{message}"

    log_now = logger.curry( { })

    log_now["First Message."]   # => [12:47:53 PM 02/01/06] First 

sleep 3
log_now[“Second Message.”] # => [12:47:56 PM 02/01/06] Second

Again, not something that’s difficult to do by other means (default
argument values for example) but, well, there you go.

On Wed, 2006-02-22 at 03:13 +0900, henon wrote:

Oh, I never said it was useful :slight_smile:
in fact it is very useful for most elegantly implementing undo/redo
commands. i was just curious about other applications.

Ahh, well, looks like I spoke too soon there.

Thanks for your kind comments :slight_smile: