A MogileFS client library for Ruby. MogileFS is an open source
distributed filesystem, see: http://mogilefs.org/ for more details.
library allows any Ruby application to read, write and delete files in a
MogileFS instance.
A MogileFS client library for Ruby. MogileFS is an open source
distributed filesystem, see: http://mogilefs.org/ for more details. This
library allows any Ruby application to read, write and delete files in a
MogileFS instance.
Just pushed out 3.7.1 with only one bugfix:
new_file/stream: correct declare errors array correctly
This only triggered on rare syscall errors
Anyways, I’ve had many similar questions over the years but not
on ruby-talk, so here goes…
My distaste of corporate-controlled/single-vendor solutions is the
reason I’m involved with Free Software in the first place. This
also extends to my interest/involvement with MogileFS.
I am very much a Free Software zealot[1]
GitHub adds proprietary features, and I cannot endorse that.
their Pull Requests don’t work with repos hosted outside of GitHub.
git is supposed to be decentralized/distributed, yet GitHub ignores
repos they don’t host.
As far as I know, these Pull Requests cannot even be disabled
(unlike issues or wiki)
The “git request-pull” command (in core git, but not well-known) works
via email (or NNTP or anything) and does not care where the repo is
(but it does ensure the correct branch is pushed)
GitHub is a single point of failure. I’ve seen users become so
dependent on GitHub they lose the ability to use git (or even
communicate(!)) without GitHub.
GitHub supporters can say all they want about how git is still
distributed, but folks still care and wonder why projects are not on
GitHub. So yes, that’s enough indication folks depend too much
features exclusive to GitHub.
The value GitHub provides is not the repository hosting itself,
but as a communications platform (which they control).
the social network/graph is exclusive to their site, so non-GH-users
are automatically second-class citizens. This wouldn’t be too bad
if I could create a new account for every project, except…
their ToS limits users to one account
I believe identity is prismatic, even in the FOSS world.
I hate having accomplishments/baggage being carried across projects.
I maintain no personal webpage nor remotely-complete social networking
profiles for this reason. Fuck badges.
To their credit, GitHub has not yet introduced proprietary changes to
the data model of git; only extensions to the UIs. And fortunately,
several GH-using projects I care about do accept patches and
pull-requests sent via email.
I don’t know what the future holds. Distributed/decentralized solutions are harder to use and maintain. Also (at least in the US),
residential Internet access is not friendly towards self-hosting.
Even relying on mailing lists is a compromise and I wish for something
truly decentralized for communications.
[1] I’d never engage in campaigning style of the FSF, though
This forum is not affiliated to the Ruby language, Ruby on Rails framework, nor any Ruby applications discussed here.