Ruby microframeworks: Roda vs Cuba vs Sinatra

I’m a Sinatra “microframework” fan and I recently discovered the more
performant Roda (just released version 2.8.0)

  1. Roda (Routing Tree Web Framework Toolkit), by his creator Jeremy
    Evans (creator of amazing Sequel ORM, and so with a similar programming
    approach). Some notes:

  2. Cuba
    Another beautiful Sinatra alternative is Cuba
    GitHub - soveran/cuba: Rum based microframework for web development.

  3. Interesting benchmarks (a bit outdated)
    GitHub - luislavena/bench-micro: Benchmark some Ruby web microframeworks, just for fun

Any experience using Roda or Cuba ?

Interesting notes by Roda’s author:

  • performances,
  • low memory usage,
  • routing