Ruby meeting 17.11.2007


I took liberty to post this information here, since i found it by
accident, and mayby some other people from Kraków, Poland who read this
list would like to attend:

Zapraszamy na 5. spotkanie KRUG!


17 listopada g. 14.00
Katedra Lingwistyki Komputerowej
ul. Straszewskiego 27 sala 216

  Plan spotkania:
  1. Adam Byrtek “Agile Software Development: Scrum and XP”
  2. Aleksander Pohl “Metaprogramowanie i pluginy Rails”
  3. Zbigniew ZemÅ‚a “OpenID i Rails”
  4. Łukasz Chojnowski “Amazon S3 i EC2”

more info at

I hope to see you there ^^

Marcin R.