Ruby: Looking for advice regarding Linux, wireless networkin

I want to hire a teacher/advisor to get me past some knowledge
roadblocks. My budget
is a max of $250 to $500. <----- diagram of concept

( I don’t know the proper nomenclature, and I apologize for that
… part of what I am trying to learn)

What I am trying to right now is understand if it is possible to make
a Meraki mini
( ) act in the following way :

I want the Meraki to appear as a fixed IP address webserver to a
device accessing it via wireless 802.11b/g.
Let’s say I have an iPhone. I instruct the iPhone to log onto a
wireless network ( provided by the Meraki )
with an SSID of “meraki”. The security is WEP or WAP or ???. ( I
don’t care about the security aspect at present. That will come later. )

The iPhone connects wirelessly to the network. Now the iPhone is
instructed to access either a local IP or Global IP .

The IP addresses the Meraki.
The Linux running on the Meraki directs this request to a Webserver
running on the Meraki which offers up HTML created by a Ruby script
or by a PERL script. The Webserver accesses the outside world using a
LLSP ( low level serial port ) to a PSOC processor. The PSOC allows
the webserver to control external devices and gather data. ( For
example: in a car you could access car status, start the car, unlock
the door, etc. ) I am comfortable with the PSOC part of the project.
( )

The end result is that a user would see a webpage on the iPhone which
would allow him/her/it to see status of the car and control aspects
of the car. Same with hottubs, home environment, office building, etc.

I don’t what kinds of Linux wireless extensions or configurations to
look for to do this, if it can be done at all. How should I proceed?

Gus Calabrese

I noticed that my SMC7004 wireless router allows me to webpage
configure it through either the ethernet port or the wireless port.
Webpage configuring
through the wireless port is is what I think I want on the Meraki.
Why use a Meraki ? cuz it is $49 and cute ( has wireless port, serial
port which is what I want )

Hi Gus,

Try or
discussion board with the actual description of the
problem you are having and/or steps you have taken.
The WEP is not very secure though, I doubt anyone
would want to port a garage door opener to WiFi.



— Gus S Calabrese [email protected] wrote:

… part of what I am trying to learn)
Let’s say I have an iPhone. I instruct the iPhone to .
the webserver to control external devices and gather
control aspects
I noticed that my SMC7004 wireless router allows me

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good point about the WEP thanks

On Aug 6, 2007, at 7:31 AM, Joseph Schiller wrote:

Hi Gus,

Try or
discussion board with the actual description of the
problem you are having and/or steps you have taken.
The WEP is not very secure though, I doubt anyone
would want to port a garage door opener to WiFi.



— Gus S Calabrese [email protected] wrote:

… part of what I am trying to learn)
Let’s say I have an iPhone. I instruct the iPhone to .
the webserver to control external devices and gather
control aspects
I noticed that my SMC7004 wireless router allows me

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