Ruby List Roast - A Tentative Attempt

Dear ruby list members

Ruby is great…no, it’s awesome! And you people make it even better by
answering all those questions that Ruby users sometimes have. But you’re
one funny bunch fore sure. After reading this list for a while, I’ve
come to the following conclusions:

  • The Japanese lot
    Dudes, you’re awesome…you created the whole language and all…but
    dang, you’re English grammar sucks! How can you possibly be smart enough
    to come up with a whole new language, but at the same time, be an epic
    failure at the one that is most widely used?

  • Robert D.
    France and England always have been and always will be at loggerheads.
    You seem to be trying to change that by actually trying to understand
    the French. And use there language on this forum. Please! Some of us
    here hate French. Unlike you, we were forced to learn it in school. An
    experience that scarred me for life. And probably negatively impact my
    intelligence as well.

  • Pascal J. Bouillon (oui?)
    You’re last name sounds like a variant of fondue. You’re persistence on
    comparing everything to Lisp, on the other hand, is much firmer. (By the
    way, did you somehow infect Robert D.?)

  • James Edward G. II, King of Ruby Land
    The resident aristocrat. I do like your tutorial on M17N.

  • 7stud
    It’s simple: first think, /then/ post. No, not the other way around,
    which will result in a mess - both here and in real life. Take it from
    me, I always make sure what I wrote makes sense before I post - which is
    why I end up never posting in the first place.

  • David B.
    You’re…uhm…really good, I guess. Gee, there’s nothing much to say
    about you. Can’t even insult you based on a perceived lack of
    intelligence. You must therefore be lacking personality.

  • Eleanor McH.
    You know, English is not my native language, so I was in the mistaken
    belief that you were a dude like the rest of us…until I saw a picture
    of you somewhere on the web…now, every time I read one of your posts,
    I must make an effort to replace that mental image of the random nerd
    with that of the cute chick physicist.

  • Rick D.
    Just like I pictured Eleanor to be a dude, I imagined you to be in your
    20ies. Unlike Eleanor’s case, this might be flattering, though. Because,
    one day, I visit your profile on, and boom! goes my
    bubble. You’re old - probably could be my grandpa! So, what was it like
    to be a programmer before WWII? Had electricity even been invented at
    that time? Or did you have hamsters (or nerds) on wheels to power your

  • Park H.
    Jesus, you seem to know everything! I start reading a post, and I’m
    like: you’re so screwed, dude, there ain’t no easy solution to that
    problem for sure. But as soon as I read your name, I know there is a
    solution. You really make ruby look like a walk in the park - yes, pun

So, yeah, that’s it! You really are a weired lot. But it would be much,
much more boring without you. Sort of like a Microsoft forum.

Truly yours
A Hopeless Loser & Ruby F.

dang, you’re English grammar sucks!


On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 2:40 AM, Hope Less[email protected] wrote:

  • Rick D.
    Just like I pictured Eleanor to be a dude, I imagined you to be in your
    20ies. Unlike Eleanor’s case, this might be flattering, though. Because,
    one day, I visit your profile on, and boom! goes my
    bubble. You’re old - probably could be my grandpa! So, what was it like
    to be a programmer before WWII? Had electricity even been invented at
    that time? Or did you have hamsters (or nerds) on wheels to power your

When I was a kid I had to put my abacus together every morning using
sticks and clay beads.

Now go finish your homework and then you can go out and play with your

Rick DeNatale


I feel offended, you didn’t mention my name!

Hope Less wrote:

to come up with a whole new language, but at the same time, be an epic

  • Pascal J. Bouillon (oui?)
    me, I always make sure what I wrote makes sense before I post - which is
    of you somewhere on the web…now, every time I read one of your posts,

Truly yours
A Hopeless Loser & Ruby F.

This will be a test case for the question of whether humor and ruby mix.
Or maybe it’s about THIS kind of humor …combined with ruby. After all
this is a SERIOUS list. Must be the influence of all those Java folks,
who of necessity drink their own kool aid. I sometimes think this list
is a prime refuge for the Java toxified. So be it.

But, oh…the people you left off! Wow. I love who you included, but how
about Ryan D. - the guy who is the source of fully 1/3 of gems
currently available, and who cannot release one with releasing another
20 at the same. He really ought to get a life, except that if he did it
would decimate our libraries. Such a dilemma. However, the accompanying
documentation, etc., strongly suggests that his 18th birthday is awfully
close. Never mind. His productivity is simply without equal. So what if
someone has to drive him from appointment to appointment?

And Dave T…first off the starting block again and again, in the
area of making ruby accessible for newbies. I’m trying, but I’m having a
little trouble finding where to apply the heat with this fellow. I don’t
understand how any one person can know as much as he seems to, about the
tiniest little pieces of Ruby. Best not to rock this boat too much
either, huh?

Then there our anonymous Islamic friends, who post here from time to
time. Not the serious professional ones, but the evangelical ones. You
know who you are. A perfect example of witless irrelevance (somewhat
like this post, perhaps). In any case, I hear that Ryan wants all such
email forwarded to him, for judicious handling.

Well, it IS August. In the USA, this is sometimes referred to as the
“silly season”. It comes right before school starts up again. Last
chance to escape responsibility.


Tom C., MS MA, LMHC - Private practice Psychotherapist
Bellingham, Washington, U.S.A: (360) 920-1226
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On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 8:40 AM, Hope Less[email protected] wrote:

Dear ruby list members

  • Robert D.
    France and England always have been and always will be at loggerheads.
    You seem to be trying to change that by actually trying to understand
    the French. And use there language on this forum. Please! Some of us
    here hate French. Unlike you, we were forced to learn it in school. An
    experience that scarred me for life. And probably negatively impact my
    intelligence as well.
    Please read only my brilliant code and ignore my lousy French (well it
    is better than my lousier English, but who cares ).
    And do not dare talking about Rugby to me ;).
  • Pascal J. Bouillon (oui?)
    You’re last name sounds like a variant of fondue. You’re persistence on
    comparing everything to Lisp, on the other hand, is much firmer. (By the
    way, did you somehow infect Robert D.?)
    No I was sick before.
  • David B.
    You’re…uhm…really good, I guess. Gee, there’s nothing much to say
    about you. Can’t even insult you based on a perceived lack of
    intelligence. You must therefore be lacking personality.
    Nice try.
    Did you miss that Rick worked with Kent Back, shame on YOU :wink:

I liked your post, we all need to laugh about ourselves sometimes, I
hope you will do that too when we take revenge :wink:


On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 9:58 AM, James Edward G.
II[email protected] wrote:

effort to be kingly.
This is why my children will have SHA hashes for middle names.


On Aug 20, 2009, at 1:40 AM, Hope Less wrote:

  • James Edward G. II, King of Ruby Land
    The resident aristocrat.

I’m glad you like my name.

You might like it less if it was yours though. “James G.” is so
common where I live that if I use that name at the eye doctor I get
the wrong glasses. Thus I use my full name just out of self defense
and not in an effort to be kingly.

Of course, your parents seem to have stuck you with a far more
hopeless label. :wink:

I do like your tutorial on M17N.

Glad to hear it.

James Edward G. II

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 9:58 AM, James Edward G.
II[email protected] wrote:

You might like it less if it was yours though. “James G.” is so common
where I live that if I use that name at the eye doctor I get the wrong
glasses. Thus I use my full name just out of self defense and not in an
effort to be kingly.

And I notice that you almost NEVER prepend the HRH to which you are

Rick DeNatale
