Has anyone in the (J)Ruby/Rails community ever built a Rails app with a
services back-end (i.e. no activerecord… persistence/model logic is
entirely sourced from web services)? I know what you’re thinking… why
would you want to do that? Well, if you work for an “enterprise”
sometimes you have no choice but to use services (WS-). Anyway, I’m
looking for anyone who might have used soap4r/wsdl4r or have integrated
JRuby directly with Java’s native XML processing (JAXP) libraries, or
other 3rd party XML/WS libs. Care to share your experience? If you HAD
use WS- technologies to build an app, would you still use Rails or a
traditional Java/.Net architecture to build your app?
I haven’t built an app that didn’t use a DB at all, but I have done
some web services integration. When I worked at Mixx
) I had to come up with code to integrate with Google’s AdSense API,
which is all SOAP.
Long story short, I dragged Ruby kicking and screaming into it (it has
SOAP libs in it, but they are nearly 100% undocumented; the only thing
you get is a list of method signatures), I spent a lot of time
complaining that I was having to do it in Ruby instead of in Java, and
it took way longer to do it than it should have.
If I had to do SOAP again and I had a choice, I wouldn’t do it with
Ruby. On the other hand, reading plain XML or even RSS or Atom with
Ruby is not so bad. I’m writing an app right now that will integrate
with a RESTful XML API and may not use a DB at all, and I’m doing that
in RoR. But I’m running it in JRuby because I want to be able to
connect to the web services with real parallelism (i.e., with native
threads), and because I may decide to swap in some Java code to handle
some of the things Ruby’s not so good at. And also because I want to
run it in GlassFish or Tomcat instead of Mongrel or Passenger.
On 10 Nov, 2008, at 1:55 PM, Rich M. wrote:
traditional Java/.Net architecture to build your app?
Bill K.
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I was talking to the Yellowpages.com guys at Ruby conf and their website
talks to a web service API instead of ActiveRecord.
From what I understand they are scaling very well.
From: Rich M. [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 1:56 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [jruby-user] Ruby/JRuby/Rail web service based app
Has anyone in the (J)Ruby/Rails community ever built a Rails app with a
services back-end (i.e. no activerecord… persistence/model logic is
entirely sourced from web services)? I know what you’re thinking… why
would you want to do that? Well, if you work for an “enterprise”
sometimes you have no choice but to use services (WS-). Anyway, I’m
looking for anyone who might have used soap4r/wsdl4r or have integrated
JRuby directly with Java’s native XML processing (JAXP) libraries, or
other 3rd party XML/WS libs. Care to share your experience? If you HAD
use WS- technologies to build an app, would you still use Rails or a
traditional Java/.Net architecture to build your app?
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Last I heard they were using Merb (see about halfway down
http://merbist.com/2008/11/09/merb-1-0-released/ )
Not sure if they’ve dropped Rails totally or are using both, but I do
know Merb is a lot
more flexible if you want to front other web services with your app.
On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 5:29 AM, Rich M. [email protected]
web services back-end (i.e. no activerecord… persistence/model logic is
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On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 2:51 PM, Dick D.
[email protected]wrote:
Last I heard they were using Merb (see about halfway down
http://merbist.com/2008/11/09/merb-1-0-released/ )
Not sure if they’ve dropped Rails totally or are using both, but I do
know Merb is a lot
more flexible if you want to front other web services with your app.
I had the luck to build a domotic project (a prototype) that instead of
using ActiveRecord use ActiveResource, so restful web service. It works
almost perfect, with just a little bit of extra job to change few