I’m assembling a list of Ruby community “usages” and I want to make
sure I haven’t missed anything important.
I have such things as: duck typing, threequal, spaceship operator,
singleton method, singleton class, splat or unary unarray,
multiple or parallel assignment, and (ehh) eigenclass.
Not all usages are considered official or will necessarily be
treated equally.
Terms that are extremely common outside our community and are used
identically can probably be omitted from the list.
I’m assembling a list of Ruby community “usages” and I want to make
sure I haven’t missed anything important.
I have such things as: duck typing, threequal, spaceship operator,
singleton method, singleton class, splat or unary unarray,
multiple or parallel assignment, and (ehh) eigenclass.
‘threequal’ == ===? I call it the sort-of-matches-operator but
I assume that is just me.
Not all usages are considered official or will necessarily be
treated equally.
Terms that are extremely common outside our community and are used
identically can probably be omitted from the list.
I’m assembling a list of Ruby community “usages” and I want to
make sure I haven’t missed anything important.
I have such things as: duck typing, threequal, spaceship
operator, singleton method, singleton class, splat or unary
unarray, multiple or parallel assignment, and (ehh) eigenclass.
In C++, it’s often called the insertion operator. I have been
thinking of it as such in Ruby.
So, if it operates like a duck…
I never understand why people think of duck typing as being unique to
dynamic languages. C++ has great support for static, generic
programming, and a lot of what Ruby does at run-time, C++ can do at
Of course, Ruby has plenty of advantages of its own.