Ruby - Iterating over a Nested Hash

I am trying to figure out how to bring a global variable ($doc) to my
view page and then run it through an EACH loop to PRINT or PUT the
contents of my xml file on the view page.

This is how my controller is configured:

require ‘net/http’
require ‘httparty’
require ‘rexml/document’
require ‘uri’
require ‘remixr’
include REXML

#user inputs from form
def result
$zip_code = params[:zip_code]
$range = params[:range]

#Modifiable URL parameters
$base_url = ‘
$uri = URI.parse($base_url)
$stores_call = ‘/v1/stores’
$apiKey = '?apiKey=‘YOUR API KEY’
$area_para = “(area(#{$zip_code},#{$range}))”
$store_para = ‘&show=storeID,name’
$xml_url =

Data call and parsing into xml hash array

http =$, $uri.port)
request =$xml_url)
response = http.request(request)

$xml = response.body
$doc = $xml

$doc.each do |item|
puts “{storeID}=#{item}”

The $doc object is a nested hash with store locations that each have
other characteristics. Currently the parameters only pull the StoreID
and name. So the loop will need to pull each StoreID, then name, then
repeat loop. I am going to be building the loop around an HTML table,
but that would be extra credit if someone wants to take it on.

I was able to get the table output working in PHP.
Here is the PHP version that I have yet to successfully migrate over to
Ruby on Rails:

foreach($xmlcont as $url)
echo “”;
echo "{$url->storeId} {$url->name} {$url->city}

{$url->region} {$url->distance}"; echo ""; }

If you want to iterate over each nested hash - it totally depends on the
depth of the hash and the kind of view you’re trying to build using it.
you dont have knowledge about the other keys that come in the hash, use
this pattern.

h = { “a” => 100, “b” => 200 }h.each {|key, value| puts “#{key} is
#{value}” }

On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 6:59 PM, Scott B. [email protected]

I am trying to build it nearly like the PHP example above.

I’ll build the header row for a table and then run the loop to fill the
cells and then put in a closer for the table.

Here is a sample of the data:

2970 Best Buy Mobile - Brunswick Square Mall 598 East Brunswick 2980 Best Buy Mobile - Menlo Park Mall

I will be adding in more portions of the hash to the end product, but
want to understand how to iterate two items first. I preferably want to
do it in an each loop like you mentioned. Does this help?

I couldnt’ figure it out. Everytime I ran it through the Nokogiri gem,
the headers were still there. It was like nothing changed to the data.

You will have to use nokogiri gem to parse it and iterate.

More details here.

On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 8:12 PM, Scott B. [email protected]

On 14 November 2014 10:32, Scott B. [email protected] wrote:

I couldnt’ figure it out. Everytime I ran it through the Nokogiri gem,
the headers were still there. It was like nothing changed to the data.

I don’t understand, I thought you wanted to parse the xml document and
extract data for display, why would you expect it to change the data?

See the tutorials at for how to do that.
