Ruby & IRC

Hi I am thinking about playing around with IRC Internert Relay Chat
messaging, what are some good Ruby gems? Does anyone have experience
with using any? Thanks!

If you mean irc bot, try git://


Il giorno 01/gen/2010, alle ore 13.34, Rajinder Y. ha scritto:

Kind Regards,
Rajinder Y. | | Do Good! - Share Freely

I tried Autumn but seems it is not compatible with latest gems.
So I opened a socket and I do it on my own XD

Simone D’Amico
*nix powered
[email protected]

On 01.01.2010 13:34, Rajinder Y. wrote:

basically I want to be able to send and read IRC channel messages,
you’re saying the the Autumn bot framework should allow me to do this?

Since an IRC bot pretty much has to be able to read/write to an IRC
channel, I’d say so. :wink:

However, I managed to dig up a Ruby tutorial, that uses an IRC client to
write a program via TDD:

I used it for learning TDD, and can recommend it. :slight_smile:

Jan wrote:

If you mean irc bot, try git://

basically I want to be able to send and read IRC channel messages,
you’re saying the the Autumn bot framework should allow me to do this?

Simone D’Amico wrote:

using any? Thanks!

Kind Regards,
Rajinder Y. | | Do Good! - Share Freely

I tried Autumn but seems it is not compatible with latest gems.
So I opened a socket and I do it on my own XD

ok that is a neat trick, I’m just getting into IRC stuff, can you point
me to any docs that would show me how do this with sockets? I am
exploring all my options, thanks!

Il giorno 01/gen/2010, alle ore 14.01, Rajinder Y. ha scritto:

ok that is a neat trick, I’m just getting into IRC stuff, can you point me to any docs that would show me how do this with sockets? I am exploring all my options, thanks!

This is a basic implementation with socket. IRC protocol is very simple
all you have to do is only the authentication at the start and the
answer to the ping request of the server.

Simone D’Amico
*nix powered
[email protected]

Phillip G. wrote:

On 01.01.2010 13:34, Rajinder Y. wrote:

basically I want to be able to send and read IRC channel messages,
you’re saying the the Autumn bot framework should allow me to do this?

Since an IRC bot pretty much has to be able to read/write to an IRC
channel, I’d say so. :wink:

you know what I meant =) I am just looking for a simple clean interface
to work with.

However, I managed to dig up a Ruby tutorial, that uses an IRC client to
write a program via TDD:

that’s awesome, thanks for the link, this will help me get my feet wet!

i’ve been pleasantly impressed with rif
[]. I’ve only used it for a small toy
program, but it seemed both featureful and usable.


Simone D’Amico wrote:

Il giorno 01/gen/2010, alle ore 14.01, Rajinder Y. ha scritto:

ok that is a neat trick, I’m just getting into IRC stuff, can you point me to any docs that would show me how do this with sockets? I am exploring all my options, thanks!

This is a basic implementation with socket. IRC protocol is very simple all you have to do is only the authentication at the start and the answer to the ping request of the server.

Simone this is cool thanks!
Between what you and Phillip have provided this should be plenty with
respect to socket IRC coding.
Good to know it’s not a complicated process.

On 01.01.2010 14:36, Rajinder Y. wrote:

Martin DeMello wrote:

i’ve been pleasantly impressed with rif
[]. I’ve only used it for a small toy
program, but it seemed both featureful and usable.


Martin, thanks for that info on the gem. I notice ruby-irc only has a
single wiki page? is there more docs on it, or is that all.

Check the sources for it, and see if the code’s commented. If it is, the
RDoc and ri tasks of RubyGem will create useful documentation (useful as
in: more than just the method names and arguments). :slight_smile:

On Fri, 1 Jan 2010 21:07:13 +0900
Rajinder Y. [email protected] wrote:

Hi I am thinking about playing around with IRC Internert Relay Chat
messaging, what are some good Ruby gems? Does anyone have experience
with using any? Thanks!

Also, if you want to hack around with an existing ruby IRC program, you
could check out muby:

If it helps, I dug up some old docs I had archived from a couple of
years back:

Martin DeMello wrote:

i’ve been pleasantly impressed with rif
[]. I’ve only used it for a small toy
program, but it seemed both featureful and usable.


Martin, thanks for that info on the gem. I notice ruby-irc only has a
single wiki page? is there more docs on it, or is that all.

I’m going to try using socket first and see how that feels. From the
feedback I’ve been given, it seems it’s not as difficult as I initially

On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 5:36 PM, Rajinder Y. [email protected]

Martin DeMello wrote:

i’ve been pleasantly impressed with rif
[]. I’ve only used it for a small toy
program, but it seemed both featureful and usable.


Martin, thanks for that info on the gem. I notice ruby-irc only has a single
wiki page? is there more docs on it, or is that all.

That seems to be all, but I found it easy enough to get up and running
from that and the example bot.


Denis D. wrote:

Two more libraries you may want to check out:

Aside: if it doesn’t have to be IRC, and you could consider XMPP
(Jabber), then there’s xmpp4r

On 01 Jan 2010, at 13:07, Rajinder Y. wrote:

Hi I am thinking about playing around with IRC Internert Relay Chat messaging, what are some good Ruby gems? Does anyone have experience with using any? Thanks!

Two more libraries you may want to check out:

