Ruby Installer - One-Click contest voting is now open!

I’m glad to inform that voting for One-Click Ruby Installer website
design contest is now open!

I’ve added more details on my blog post here:

But just to summarize:

5 designers have proposed designs:

Thuva Tharma
Ben A.
Silviu Postavaru
Francesco Agnoletto
Pavel Macek

Those designs can be previewed here:

The voting is being held on PollDaddy:

Voting will remain open until July 23, 11:59pm GMT-3 (Argentina

Results will be published once voting is closed.

Donations collected on the pledgie will be received until voting is

Please visit the above links, review yourself the designer’s notes and
vote the ones will suit better the goal of the project, as described

Thank you the designers who submitted entries, the great people who
contributed over the pledgie and everybody that provided feedback and
positive words and feedback over the years to keep the project going!


2009/6/23 Luis L. [email protected]:

I’m glad to inform that voting for One-Click Ruby Installer website
design contest is now open!

And also acceptance of new designs closed.

I had some ideas but did not find the time to make them into
something solid but perhaps some other time with some other project.

Thanks to those who did make time for this one.

Perfection in design is achieved not when there is nothing more to add,
but rather when there is nothing more to take away.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

As much as I don’t like some other things this person said every
designer should print out his in huge letters and stick to some free
surface above their desk :wink:

5 designers have proposed designs:

is html/sass available for each design, but we only get to see the
pictures? If not, will the designers be happy to translate their design
to HTML?
Just wondering.

On Jun 23, 1:44 pm, Roger P. [email protected] wrote:

5 designers have proposed designs:

is html/sass available for each design, but we only get to see the
pictures? If not, will the designers be happy to translate their design
to HTML?
Just wondering.

To answer your questions:

Read the points of consideration:

Before any designer do the mock up, they need to consider:

  1. Once design is approved, both hompages and inner page needs to be
    completed as valid HTML+CSS

  2. Cross browser (yeah, IE, I’m talking about that beast) needs to be
    considered as supported.

  3. Designer could have experience integrating this with Radiant and
    provide advice, but is not mandatory.

  4. Full pledgie money is going to be paid when HTML and CSS elements
    are handed over to RubyInstaller project team, in public, using a Git

  5. Credits and copyright of the design will remains in the design
    owner, but he must give authorization for usage in