Hi All,
I am new to this forum and have joined to assist and get assistance and
find out about new Ruby stuff.
I used to really enjoy the Ruby Insider but in my opinion that site
seems to been taken over by Ruby haters. They are or course entitled to
their opinion but there are a couple of people there (I resist the urge
to list user names here) that try to post post 10 anit-ruby articles for
every article that enlightens Ruby users about some aspect of th
language. I am sooooo tired hearing about Zed and BabyCD that if I see
one more post I think I’ll puke.
I don’t know if others have found this to be true but if so please
recommend sites or forums to me that are helpful not hateful.
I must admit that (to me at least) Scala seems very promising and a lot
of fun but if it’s community is crowded with the same ilk trashing the
Rails Inside site I don’t know I want to hang with that crowd.