Ruby include in the plugin 'init' works only in console mode

I have a plugin. in which there is a module.
In the init of the plugin I have a statement like

#ActiveRecord::Base.send (:include, Module::Plugin)
Thing.send (:include, Module::Plugin)
#Thing is a model

That however does not work… and while debugging I find that any call
inside the Thing instance methods (rails development mode) returns a
method not found…However the same works when I use the script/

Is there some rails quirk here? The include inside the
ActiveRecord::Base works but I dont want to include the module all

Krishna wrote:

That however does not work… and while debugging I find that any call
inside the Thing instance methods (rails development mode) returns a
method not found…However the same works when I use the script/

Is there some rails quirk here? The include inside the
ActiveRecord::Base works but I dont want to include the module all

Take a look at rails initializers… your Thing model is not loaded at
the time your plugins are loaded…

a good intro is:

On Aug 10, 2:08 pm, Krishna [email protected] wrote:

That however does not work… and while debugging I find that any call
inside the Thing instance methods (rails development mode) returns a
method not found…However the same works when I use the script/

Is there some rails quirk here? The include inside the
ActiveRecord::Base works but I dont want to include the module all

In development, after requests your model gets reloaded, and the
reloaded copy never has include called on it. One way of circumventing
things is for the model to request all this itself, with the fairly
common pattern

class Foo


On Aug 10, 2:38 pm, Frederick C. [email protected]

In development, after requests your model gets reloaded, and the
reloaded copy never has include called on it. One way of circumventing
things is for the model to request all this itself, with the fairly
common pattern

class Foo

Another way is to wrap your init.rb code in a to_prepare block

config.to_prepare do
Thing.send(:include, Module::Plugin)

This will ensure that this code is run before each request in
development mode, and before the first request in production mode.

  • James

Thanks…but where do I add the config.to_prepare code? Or should I
just wrap the code in the plugin/init.rb within the config.to_prepare?
If yes,does it delay this till the Thing module is loaded or does it
forcibly load the Thing module?