Ruby IDEs


I’m a novice in Ruby , I want to ask what is the best IDEs to use Ruby
for beginners ?

Is eclipse a good choice ?

any idea?

Thanks a lot!

On 28.02.2012, at 18:46, nada wrote:


I’m a novice in Ruby , I want to ask what is the best IDEs to use Ruby
for beginners ?

TextMate, although it is not IDE

  • *nix console :slight_smile:

use aptana studio 3 it’s free

I use RedCar or Sublime

I highly suggest RubyMine. It is the most complete IDE I have used.

It cost $69 for a personal license. It’s worth every penny. You can
get a 30 day free license to test it out.

People who tell you they don’t use an IDE, but they use some text
editor with a gazillion plug-ins, are just fooling you… They are
basically trying to build their own IDE anyway. You might have a good
one to start with.

On 28 February 2012 14:46, nada [email protected] wrote:


I’m a novice in Ruby , I want to ask what is the best IDEs to use Ruby
for beginners ?

Is eclipse a good choice ?

In my opinion, no. I find it better not to use an ide at all. Use a
decent editor with ruby support (I use jedit with the appropriate
plugins which is free and multi-platform) and use the terminal for the

Apart from anything else if you have a problem when using the ide
there will be many fewer people here who will be able to help.


I had used Netbeans for Java. Trying to use it for Ruby was a
disaster. I would stick to an editor and get comfortable at the
command line. (FYI I use Emacs but I know that is not the most
popular choice.)

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 1:48 PM, FaBritze [email protected]

You can use Eclipse with Aptana Studio Plugin, or as a standalone
Aptana version, but an text editor it’s more usefull and i recommend
Sublime Text (

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Evan M.
Doctoral Student (Criminal Justice)
CUNY John Jay
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our prisons.”
John Ruskin, Unto This Last, essay 2 (1862)
English critic, essayist, & reformer (1819 - 1900)

“Instruction does much, but encouragement does everything.” Johann
Wolfgang Von Goethe

You can use Eclipse with Aptana Studio Plugin, or as a standalone
Aptana version, but an text editor it’s more usefull and i recommend
Sublime Text (

I use Sublime Text 2. It’s a super fast text editor and extremely

+1 for RubyMine. Everything is at your fingertips, and the debugging
is great. I keep discovering new features that speed up development.

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 9:20 PM, soldier.coder

Tmux + tmuxinator + vim + Janus (bundle of really useful vim plugins
for ruby developers) - just started using this combo and it is great -
lets you easily build your own very powerful IDE.


First: Free your mind from the shackle that comes from false belief
that IDE’s are necessary for superior productivity. IDE’s are great
for compiledh languages like C or C++ as they can spot syntax errors
that will cause your program to not compile. Instead, embrace
Behavior Driven Development, write tests for code you haven’t written
yet, tests for code you have written, consider how to refactor the
code that results. Move faster by going slower! Learn to wield your
editor like a samurai’s sword – an extension of yourself.

From Agile Web D. with Rails:
“It may surprise you to know that most Rails [and Ruby] developers
don’t use fully fledged IDE’s for Ruby or Rails (although some of the
environments come close). Indeed many Rails developers use plain old
editors. And it turns out that this isn’t as much of a problem as you
might think. With other less expressive languages, programmers rely
on IDEs to do much of the grunt work for them, because IDE’s do code
generation, assist with navigation, and compile incrementally to give
early warning of errors.
With Ruby, however, much of this support just isn’t necessary. Editors
such as Textmate and BBEdit [or E for Windows, or VIM for Linux] give
you 90 percent of what you’d get from and IDE but are far lighter
weight. Just about the only useful IDE facility that’s missing is
refactoring support.”


RubyMine RubyMine: The Ruby on Rails IDE by JetBrains

+1 for Vim. I prefer the Linux console version.

Since you are a beginner, take some advice – give up the idea of
getting an IDE.

nada wrote in post #1049268:


I’m a novice in Ruby , I want to ask what is the best IDEs to use Ruby
for beginners ?

Is eclipse a good choice ?

any idea?

Thanks a lot!

I recommend working through the Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial by Hartl … he
walks you through how to use a simple editor + command line expressions
to get the job done … in addition he introduces you to BDD and a nice
set of modern gems to include in your dev kit …

After that if you still want to explore an IDE, go for it - I did and
ended up with RubyMine although I still end up using the command line
for things here and there.

  • 1 Sublime Text 2, fast and versions to Mac, Linux and Windows…

2012/3/1 Douglas B. [email protected]

Thanks a lot!

Ricardo Pontes da Silva