Ruby IDE

I am running mac os x and was wondering a good IDE with at least good
syntax coloring. Is FreeRIDE any good?


On Fri, 18 Nov 2005 15:52:19 +0100, Rawn027 [email protected] wrote:

I am running mac os x and was wondering a good IDE with at least good
syntax coloring. Is FreeRIDE any good?

I’d propose TextMate, which isn’t really a complete IDE, but is way
better than anything I’ve used before.


On 11/18/05, Rawn027 [email protected] wrote:

I am running mac os x and was wondering a good IDE with at least good
syntax coloring. Is FreeRIDE any good?

I use vi/vim/gvim on OS X.3/OS X.4/Linux/Windows

It has a nice ruby plugin and it’s pretty powerful.

Has a bit of a learning curve, but it’s not terrible…

Rawn027 wrote:

I am running mac os x and was wondering a good IDE with at least good
syntax coloring. Is FreeRIDE any good?

Radrails looks promising for rails developers, for ruby itself check out
RDT for Eclipse.

It requires Eclipse 3.1.x



I use TextMate too. It has an excellent feature that lets you open a
folder and work on all the files within the folder and subfolders.
Syntax highlighting works for ruby and most other languages.


Thank you very much for the help, I am going to check out Radrails. I
currently do use text mate and was just looking for some alternatives
before I decide on which to buy.

RadRails is based on Eclipse with RDT, so you can use either, depends if
you want explicit Rails support or not.
And they are free and development is quick… 0.4 promises proper
auto-complete for objects.
You also get SubVersion support.

I have been using Komodo 3.5 lately and am quite happy with it … one
that drew me to it vs TextMate was the fact that you get licenses for
the Mac,
Windows, and Linux so I can use it on any of the platforms I work on.


has anyone used bluefish?

There’s also the jEdit Ruby Editor Plugin, it has syntax highlighting,
syntax error checking, some code completion, integrated RDoc browser,
structure viewer, auto-indent and insert end, and navigation

It runs on the JVM and is free software released under the GPL:
