On 17 abr, 02:43, James B. [email protected] wrote:
Who are those people on the panel?
I have to say I recognize maybe only half the names, and I think I’ve
been pretty attentive to the Ruby world (though not the Rails section).
Let see what Google answers (“ruby ?” % [‘put name here’])
Adam K. : http://therealadam.com/
Personal blog/tumblr, no tutorials or deep look into Ruby
Anthony E. : http://www.anthonyeden.com/
Personal blog, few technicall stuff from Rails and Ruby, nothing deep
to take a good look at.
Brandon Beacher :
Personal blog is out of date (9 months), Is the guy who coded the
RubyHeroes site…
Bruce W. : http://codefluency.com/
Rails fame, Validatable all fame, father of the validations in
projects like DataMapper and Sequel (but not the implementer) –
anyway, they split from the path long ago.
Chad F. : http://chadfowler.com/
no need to comment, right? Rails Recipes, RubyGems incubator…
Chu Yeow : http://blog.codefront.net/
Living on the edge (of Rails), enough said.
Dave T. : http://pragdave.pragprog.com/
Programming Ruby author.
David Black (David A. Black?) : http://dablog.rubypal.com/
Ruby for Rails author
Evan P. : http://rubini.us
Rubinius father
Gregg P. : http://www.railsenvy.com
RailsEnvy dude… well, rails dude.
Jason Seifer : http://www.railsenvy.com
The other RailsEnvy dude
Josh Owens : http://josh.the-owens.com/
Personal blog, rails related posts
Laurent S. : http://chopine.be/lrz/
Resume page, MacRuby / Ruby/Cocoa guy?
Mike C. : http://clarkware.com/cgi/blosxom
Mostly Rails, part of the Rails Studio and Advanced Rails Studio of
Pragmatic Programmers training
Peter C. : http://www.rubyinside.com/
RubyInside, RubyFlow, SwitchPipe.
Robert D. : http://www.railsforall.org/
Rails for All
Steven Bristol : http://lesseverything.com
Rails Developer
Thomas Meeks : http://www.fullofmuchwinandawesome.com/
Single post, google couldn’t locate lot of resources besides Orlando
Ruby Group (ORUG). Based on InfoQ comment, looks like he is using
Rails with netbeans
Tyler Hunt : http://blog.tylerhunt.com/
Coding blog, Ruby, Rspec, capistrano, javascript post…
Are these people active on ruby-talk?
Haven’t seen anyone.
There are no bios, no links to any background info.
Hope what I provided above helps
And why announce the results at a Rails conf? Why not at a general Ruby
Take your own conclusions based on the details I posted before.
PS: If I had a huge ego, can I nominate myself? it will be considered
as valid nomination?