Ruby Hero Awards

Hey guys,

Some of you may have already heard about this, but I thought I'd

post it to this group since there are quite a few people here who
probably deserve some recognition and gratitude.

This morning we put up the Ruby Hero Awards (http:// There are many people in the Ruby/Rails world
who contribute to our community and rarely receive any recognition or
payment for their work. They write educational blogs & tutorials,
create plugins & gems, contribute to open source projects, and put on
events, and help out people who need assistance on groups like this.

Ruby Hero Awards was created to show some gratitude and give these

people the recognition they deserve. Hopefully the type of recognition
that keeps them doing what they’re doing, and continuing to make our
community stronger.

So if you want to show some gratitude then take a moment to

nominate someone you think is a Ruby Hero

The winners will be announced on stage at Railsconf next month.

Gregg P.

Gregg P. wrote:

Hey guys,

This morning we put up the Ruby Hero Awards (http:// There are many people in the Ruby/Rails world
who contribute to our community and rarely receive any recognition or
payment for their work. They write educational blogs & tutorials,
create plugins & gems, contribute to open source projects, and put on
events, and help out people who need assistance on groups like this.

Who are those people on the panel?

I have to say I recognize maybe only half the names, and I think I’ve
been pretty attentive to the Ruby world (though not the Rails section).

Are these people active on ruby-talk?

There are no bios, no links to any background info.

And why announce the results at a Rails conf? Why not at a general Ruby

James B.

“Judge a man by his questions, rather than his answers.”

  • Voltaire

On Apr 17, 2008, at 12:43 AM, James B. wrote:

And why announce the results at a Rails conf? Why not at a general
Ruby conference?

I also only recognized a few of the panel members (probably the same
ones that you did). It’s pretty clearly a Rails thing, and I would
assume that’s why they’re announcing it at RailsConf.

On Apr 16, 10:05 pm, Gregg P. [email protected] wrote:

events, and help out people who need assistance on groups like this.

Ruby Hero Awards was created to show some gratitude and give these

people the recognition they deserve. Hopefully the type of recognition
that keeps them doing what they’re doing, and continuing to make our
community stronger.

So if you want to show some gratitude then take a moment to

nominate someone you think is a Ruby Hero

The winners will be announced on stage at Railsconf next month.

Ooh! Ooh! Can I be a Ruby VILLAIN? It’s always more fun to be the bad


Lyle J. wrote:

There are no bios, no links to any background info.

And why announce the results at a Rails conf? Why not at a general
Ruby conference?

I also only recognized a few of the panel members (probably the same
ones that you did). It’s pretty clearly a Rails thing, and I would
assume that’s why they’re announcing it at RailsConf.

In that case, I think I’m going to nominate Zed S…

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 9:13 AM, Daniel B. [email protected]

who contribute to our community and rarely receive any recognition or
nominate someone you think is a Ruby Hero

The winners will be announced on stage at Railsconf next month.

Ooh! Ooh! Can I be a Ruby VILLAIN? It’s always more fun to be the bad


You already are a villain, Bergermeister Meisterberger. :slight_smile:


On 17 abr, 02:43, James B. [email protected] wrote:

Who are those people on the panel?

I have to say I recognize maybe only half the names, and I think I’ve
been pretty attentive to the Ruby world (though not the Rails section).

Let see what Google answers (“ruby ?” % [‘put name here’])

Adam K. :
Personal blog/tumblr, no tutorials or deep look into Ruby

Anthony E. :
Personal blog, few technicall stuff from Rails and Ruby, nothing deep
to take a good look at.

Brandon Beacher :
Personal blog is out of date (9 months), Is the guy who coded the
RubyHeroes site…

Bruce W. :
Rails fame, Validatable all fame, father of the validations in
projects like DataMapper and Sequel (but not the implementer) –
anyway, they split from the path long ago.

Chad F. :
no need to comment, right? Rails Recipes, RubyGems incubator…

Chu Yeow :
Living on the edge (of Rails), enough said.

Dave T. :
Programming Ruby author.

David Black (David A. Black?) :
Ruby for Rails author

Evan P. :
Rubinius father

Gregg P. :
RailsEnvy dude… well, rails dude.

Jason Seifer :
The other RailsEnvy dude :slight_smile:

Josh Owens :
Personal blog, rails related posts

Laurent S. :
Resume page, MacRuby / Ruby/Cocoa guy?

Mike C. :
Mostly Rails, part of the Rails Studio and Advanced Rails Studio of
Pragmatic Programmers training

Peter C. :
RubyInside, RubyFlow, SwitchPipe.

Robert D. :
Rails for All

Steven Bristol :
Rails Developer

Thomas Meeks :
Single post, google couldn’t locate lot of resources besides Orlando
Ruby Group (ORUG). Based on InfoQ comment, looks like he is using
Rails with netbeans

Tyler Hunt :
Coding blog, Ruby, Rspec, capistrano, javascript post…

Are these people active on ruby-talk?

Haven’t seen anyone.

There are no bios, no links to any background info.

Hope what I provided above helps

And why announce the results at a Rails conf? Why not at a general Ruby

Take your own conclusions based on the details I posted before.

PS: If I had a huge ego, can I nominate myself? it will be considered
as valid nomination? :smiley:


On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 7:40 AM, Luis L. [email protected]

Let see what Google answers (“ruby ?” % [‘put name here’])

Adam K. :
Personal blog/tumblr, no tutorials or deep look into Ruby

but let’s not forget the incredible: Adam K. and the USS Ruby

Just to answer a few questions.

Yes, this is a Ruby thing. We’re announcing the winners are Railsconf
because it’s the biggest Ruby related conference in the next two
months. I imagine it might be the biggest Ruby related conference all
year, so why not give the winners the most recognition we can (even if
they aren’t attending).

The Panel was put in place so we wouldn’t have to make this a
popularity contest. When doing something like this you have two

  1. The person with the most nominations wins. Obviously someone could
    easily post to their blog “Nominate me!”, get all their friends to
    nominate them… yadda yadda.

  2. Put together a reputable panel of voters who can look through all
    the entries, take the number of nomination someone gets into account,
    and pick out the proper winners. Who is on the panel in my opinion
    doesn’t really matter, as long as they keep up to date with what is
    going on in the community. We were lucky enough to find a few people
    I personally would consider “community leaders”, who wanted to help
    out. I see this as lending more credibility to the awards

FYI. By being on the panel, they’ve also disqualified themselves from
winning any of the awards.

Perhaps the people who win the awards this year can join the panel the
next time we do awards (maybe at Rubyconf this time). :wink:


On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 9:40 AM, Luis L. [email protected]

Adam K. :
Personal blog/tumblr, no tutorials or deep look into Ruby

Anthony E. :
Personal blog, few technicall stuff from Rails and Ruby, nothing deep
to take a good look at.

Ouch, that just hurts.

Are these people active on ruby-talk?

Haven’t seen anyone.

A lot of us are here.

PS: If I had a huge ego, can I nominate myself? it will be considered
as valid nomination? :smiley:

I wouldn’t be surprised if someone nominates you Luis given the amount
of time and effort you put into RubyGems on Windows.


On Apr 17, 8:37 am, Luis L. [email protected] wrote:

Bruce W. :
Rails fame, Validatable all fame, father of the validations in
projects like DataMapper and Sequel (but not the implementer) –
anyway, they split from the path long ago.


Luis L.

I could be wrong, the project might have changed hands for all I know,
but I think you’re thinking of Jay Fields:

…and just to set the record straight, DM’s validations started out
custom, implementing Martin F.'s idea of Contextual Validations,
though to be fair, 90%+ of the syntax was borrowed from Rails. Then we
switched to Validatable, which seemed like a good idea at the time,
but required overwriting a good bit of the Validatable code. Now we’ve
gone back to the original DM validations and just filled in the areas
we didn’t cover so well before.

Now I’ve got a little transcoding to do, and then it’s all DM, all day
hopefully. :wink:

Oh yeah, Adam K. is a great guy. Organizes a lot of Ruby related
events around Dallas. Spreads the knowledge. Brilliantly smart. OTOH
his love of Rails frustrates me to no end. :smiley:

On Apr 17, 10:46 am, Anthony E. [email protected] wrote:

events, and help out people who need assistance on groups like this.
Adam K. :
Personal blog/tumblr, no tutorials or deep look into Ruby

Anthony E. :
Personal blog, few technicall stuff from Rails and Ruby, nothing deep
to take a good look at.

Ouch, that just hurts.

Don’t take that personal man, didn’t do that for hurt people, just
took a fast look at some Google results.

Maybe I was waiting to see something different on these blog posts,
but couldn’t complain since I post several non-ruby things in my own
blog :stuck_out_tongue:

Are these people active on ruby-talk?

Haven’t seen anyone.

A lot of us are here.

Good to know, sometimes I see the same ppl answer lot of questions,
but some names on these replies don’t ring a bell for me :smiley:

PS: If I had a huge ego, can I nominate myself? it will be considered
as valid nomination? :smiley:

I wouldn’t be surprised if someone nominates you Luis given the amount
of time and effort you put into RubyGems on Windows.

Nah, my ego will be offended if I was nominated and not him.

Note: if someone wants to nominate me, will be best if he nominate my
Alter Ego instead.


On Apr 17, 11:21 am, pat eyler [email protected] wrote:

Let see what Google answers (“ruby ?” % [‘put name here’])

Adam K. :
Personal blog/tumblr, no tutorials or deep look into Ruby

but let’s not forget the incredible: Adam K. and the USS Ruby

Ruby meets Star Trek - Adam Keys - Take 2 - YouTube

Oh man, I completely forgot about that video!

Excellent! :slight_smile:

Too bad there isn’t a time machine to go further in time and see what
will end up with all the Ruby Heoroes awards :smiley:

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 10:10 AM, Luis L. [email protected]

Can I win the worst post/reply/rant prize? please :slight_smile:

I want to take the prize for the biggest leech :slight_smile:


On Apr 17, 11:26 am, Sam S. [email protected] wrote:

I could be wrong, the project might have changed hands for all I know,
but I think you’re thinking of Jay Fields:

Damn google, always return things out of context. Bruce is paginator
gem, Jay Fields is validatable.

Sorry guys for the noise!

…and just to set the record straight, DM’s validations started out
custom, implementing Martin F.'s idea of Contextual Validations,
though to be fair, 90%+ of the syntax was borrowed from Rails. Then we
switched to Validatable, which seemed like a good idea at the time,
but required overwriting a good bit of the Validatable code. Now we’ve
gone back to the original DM validations and just filled in the areas
we didn’t cover so well before.

Can I win the worst post/reply/rant prize? please :slight_smile:

I sometimes make mistakes on my review of things, and ended with
statements no longer are valid. Thank you for clarify those Sam.

Now I’ve got a little transcoding to do, and then it’s all DM, all day
hopefully. :wink:

Anxiety is driving me crazy. want to start using DM 0.9 now! :smiley:

Oh yeah, Adam K. is a great guy. Organizes a lot of Ruby related
events around Dallas. Spreads the knowledge. Brilliantly smart. OTOH
his love of Rails frustrates me to no end. :smiley:

Yes, Pat mention it previous… too bad I couldn’t assist on any of
these events :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you Sam for your clarifications :slight_smile:


On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 10:30 AM, Gregg P. [email protected]

Just to answer a few questions.

Yes, this is a Ruby thing. We’re announcing the winners are Railsconf
because it’s the biggest Ruby related conference in the next two
months. I imagine it might be the biggest Ruby related conference all
year, so why not give the winners the most recognition we can (even if
they aren’t attending).

Good thing since I doubt I’ll be able to break away to go!

Rick DeNatale

My blog on Ruby