Ruby Hadoop DFS Client?

Has anyone seen a Ruby client library for the Hadoop distributed file
system? We would love to use HDFS as a data store, but would like to
consume it from Ruby.

I googled a bit, but couldn’t seem to detect any projects that tackle
this effort. If one doesn’t exist, would anyone have suggestions about
how such a library would be structured? I’d be glad to develop it.

Bryan D. wrote:

Has anyone seen a Ruby client library for the Hadoop distributed file
system? We would love to use HDFS as a data store, but would like to
consume it from Ruby.

I googled a bit, but couldn’t seem to detect any projects that tackle
this effort. If one doesn’t exist, would anyone have suggestions about
how such a library would be structured? I’d be glad to develop it.

This may not help you, but may help others who land here via Google or
forum search:

“Writing Ruby Map-Reduce programs for Hadoop”, a basic intro to hadoop