Ruby-gtk3 - "embedding" into the browser?

Hi guys,

I wrote a little GTK wrapper around FTP.

This ruby-gtk app allows me to connect to a remote host, then transfer

It has a few bugs still, but it works ok, and my goal is to improve it
further in the future.

A few months ago I watched a Video in where GIMP was embedded into a tab
of firefox.

This amazed me a lot!

I then thought I could embed ALL my ruby-gtk apps in firefox! :slight_smile:

Especially with my FTP GTK wrapper, this would be awesome.

Can someone tell me if it would be possible to embed ruby-gtk apps in
firefox eventually that way? Or what is missing or whether this is not

It would be GREAT to be able to embed any ruby-gtk app in a browser!

Marc H. wrote in post #1042082:

A few months ago I watched a Video in where GIMP was embedded into a tab
of firefox.

Are you talking about this :

Can someone tell me if it would be possible to embed ruby-gtk apps in
firefox eventually that way? Or what is missing or whether this is not

If you are talking about the broadway backend, it is only GTK3, and it
is experimental. IMHO, it won’t be stable before a year or two. If not

