Ruby-GetText-Package-2.0.0 is now available.
Ruby-GetText-Package now separate 2 base libraries
and 3 libraries which support Ruby on Rails 2.3.2.
For all libraries/applications:
- locale - Management Locale IDs
- gettext - Message localizations
For Ruby on Rails:
- locale_rails - Rails support with locale
- gettext_activerecord - ActiveRecord Localization
- gettext_rails - Support other localization same with gettext-1.93.0.
- locale-2.0.0
- Support Rack.
- locale_rails-2.0.0
- I18n.translate fallbacks to the localized message in the locale
candidates. - Support localized view both of gettext-1.93.0 style and
rails-2.3.x style. - Support Rails-2.3.2.
- I18n.translate fallbacks to the localized message in the locale
- gettext-2.0.0
- Separate this library to locale, locale_rails,
gettext_rails. - A lot of referctoring, improvements.
- Thread safe.
- New APIs for gettext/tools instead of gettext/utils.
- Separate this library to locale, locale_rails,
- gettext_activerecord-2.0.0
- Support activerecord-2.3.2.
- gettext_rails-2.0.0
- Support Rails-2.3.2.
- Work with other I18n backends.
- Rails-2.3.1 and earlier aren’t supported.
Thanks to
Special Thanks to:
Michael Grosser: A lot of improvement.
Thanks to:
Tietew, Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA, Fabio M.A.
Tuptus, Morus W., Vladimir Dobriakov, Ramsey.
http://www.yotabanana.com/hiki/ruby-gettext.html -
http://rubyforge.org/projects/gettext -
GitHub - mutoh/locale: Ruby-Locale is the pure ruby library which provides basic and general purpose APIs for localization.
GitHub - mutoh/locale_rails: Ruby on Rails (>=2.2) localization support(auto locale detection, localized caches, views, routes, etc...) with Ruby-Locale.
GitHub - mutoh/gettext: Ruby-GetText-Package is a Localization(L10n) library and tools which modeled after GNU gettext package.
GitHub - mutoh/gettext_activerecord: ActiveRecord(>2.2) localization using Ruby-GetText-Package
GitHub - mutoh/gettext_rails: Ruby on Rails (>=2.3) localization support with Ruby-GetText-Package. -
http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=1997&release_id=32471 -
Ruby-GetText-Package HOWTOs
http://www.yotabanana.com/hiki/ruby-gettext-howto.html -
Ruby-GetText-Package HOWTO for Ruby on Rails
http://www.yotabanana.com/hiki/ruby-gettext-rails.html -
HOWTO Migrate rails-2.1.x(gettext-1.93.0) to
http://www.yotabanana.com/hiki/ruby-gettext-rails-migration.html -
Ruby-GetText-Package documents for Translators
What’s this?
Ruby-GetText-Package is a Localization(L10n) library and tool
which is modeled after the GNU gettext package.
This library translates original messages to localized
messages using client-side locale information(environment
variable, using system locale API or CGI variable).
The tools for developers support creating, useing, and modifying
localized message files(message catalogs).