Ruby equivalent of Integer.toHexstring(int) method in java

Hi all
Hi guys i am new to ruby,i am searching for a ruby method which
gives the same output as given by Integer.toHexstring(int),but unable
to find any methods.

Is there is a ruby method or can i call this java method from a ruby
file and passing the parameter and get the output from this java

Any help is greatly appreciated.


irb(main):005:0> “%x” % 45
=> “2d”

irb(main):006:0> “%X” % 45
=> “2D”

irb(main):007:0> “%4X” % 45
=> “Â 2D”

irb(main):008:0> “%04X” % 45
=> “002D”

anil kandimalla wrote:

Hi all
Hi guys i am new to ruby,i am searching for a ruby method which
gives the same output as given by Integer.toHexstring(int),but unable
to find any methods.

Is there is a ruby method or can i call this java method from a ruby
file and passing the parameter and get the output from this java

Any help is greatly appreciated.


if you don’t like the ruby way , you could call that method directly
from jruby :slight_smile:

2008/9/10 anil kandimalla [email protected]:

Hi guys i am new to ruby,i am searching for a ruby method which

gives the same output as given by Integer.toHexstring(int),but unable
to find any methods.

Is there is a ruby method or can i call this java method from a ruby
file and passing the parameter and get the output from this java

irb(main):001:0> 123.to_s 16
=> “7b”
irb(main):003:0> “%x” % 123
=> “7b”
irb(main):004:0> sprintf “%x”, 123
=> “7b”
irb(main):005:0> printf “%x\n”, 123
=> nil

