Ruby equivalent for `du`

I wrote a simple method for recursively finding the size of a
directory, because I didn’t see anything in File::Stat or FileUtils
that does that. Am I missing it? Does Ruby already have an
equivalent to du?

def size(f)
return File.size(f) unless
Dir.entries(f)[2…-1].inject(0) {|total, s| total +
size(File.join(f, s))}

On Dec 5, 10:51 am, Christian von Kleist [email protected] wrote:

I wrote a simple method for recursively finding the size of a
directory, because I didn’t see anything in File::Stat or FileUtils
that does that. Am I missing it? Does Ruby already have an
equivalent to du?

def size(f)
return File.size(f) unless
Dir.entries(f)[2…-1].inject(0) {|total, s| total + size(File.join(f, s))}

Couple problems with that approach 1.) assuming that “.”, “…” are the
first elements of the entries array, 2.) for deep directories you’ll
run out of stack very quickly. Have a look at the example at the top
of the Find module. :wink:



On Dec 5, 2007 12:10 PM, MonkeeSage [email protected] wrote:


Good point! Something like %w(. …).include?(file) would be better
than relying on . and … to be the first two entries. I’m not worried
about stack space, though I did consider it. For this application I
won’t find thousands of levels of subdirectories, and even then I
probably wouldn’t run out of stack space. I could rewrite the
recursion as a loop, but…

As you suggested, I should have used Find.find instead. The
implementation is simpler, more readable, and more robust:

require ‘find’
def size(f)
total = 0
Find.find(f) {|s| total += ? 0 : File.size(s)}

(For my application I don’t care about the size of directories since
those are highly configuration dependent and this script must produce
the same result with the same file/directory tree on different

Thanks, Jordan!

On Dec 5, 11:53 am, Christian von Kleist [email protected] wrote:

equivalent to du?

recursion as a loop, but…

(For my application I don’t care about the size of directories since
those are highly configuration dependent and this script must produce
the same result with the same file/directory tree on different

Thanks, Jordan!

No problem. :slight_smile:
