Hi all-
I’m trying to hookup Erik de Castro Lopo’s libsndfile with Ruby via
Ruby/DL: my first encounter with it. I’ve had some success with DL, but
am stuck at creating a multibyte buffer that can be passed by reference
into the libsndfile library.
libsndfile: http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/
me: Darwin spinoza.local 9.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.4.0: Mon Jun 9
19:30:53 PDT 2008; root:xnu-1228.5.20~1/RELEASE_I386 i386
Ruby 1.9: ruby 1.9.0 (2007-12-25 revision 14709) [i686-darwin9.4.0]
My code is included below.
As you can see, I can malloc a DL::CPtr (buffer) and pass it into the
sf_readf_short() function. But I’m unclear what to do with it
I’ve been able to reference data by treating buffer like an array, like
so: buffer[2], but I’m not sure I’m getting valid data. It doesn’t look
right, but I haven’t compared it the audio file I’m using.
Any thoughts greatly appreciated!
Best, Charles Turner
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require ‘dl’
require ‘dl/import’
module SndFile
extend ::DL::Importer
dlload “libsndfile.dylib”
SF_INFO = struct [
“long long frames”,
“int samplerate”,
“int channels”,
“int format”,
“int sections”,
“int seekable”,
Modes for opening files.
SFM_READ = 0x10
SFM_WRITE = 0x20
SFM_RDWR = 0x30
Major formats.
SF_FORMAT_WAV = 0x010000 # Microsoft WAV format
SF_FORMAT_AIFF = 0x020000 # Apple/SGI AIFF format
Minor formats
SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8 = 0x0001 # Signed 8 bit data
SF_FORMAT_PCM_16 = 0x0002 # Signed 16 bit data
SF_FORMAT_PCM_24 = 0x0003 # Signed 24 bit data
SF_FORMAT_PCM_32 = 0x0004 # Signed 32 bit data
SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8 = 0x0005 # Unsigned 8 bit data
SF_FORMAT_FLOAT = 0x0006 # 32 bit float data
SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE = 0x0007 # 64 bit float data
extern “int sf_format_check(SF_INFO*)”
extern “SNDFILE* sf_open(char*, int, SF_INFO*)”
extern “long long sf_readf_short(SNDFILE*, short*, long long)”
extern “int sf_close(SNDFILE*)”
sfinfo = SndFile::SF_INFO.malloc()
sndfile = SndFile.sf_open(“foo32.wav”, SndFile::SFM_READ, sfinfo)
sfinfo.frames # => 53248
sfinfo.samplerate # => 44100
sfinfo.channels # => 1
sfinfo.format.to_s(16) # => “10004”
sfinfo.sections # => 1
sfinfo.seekable # => 1
buffer = DL::CPtr.malloc(40)
frames = SndFile.sf_readf_short( sndfile, buffer, 10 )
frames # => 10
result = SndFile.sf_close( sndfile )
result # => 0