Anybody know of some DHT (distributed hash table) implementations
written in ruby?
On Dec 29, 2007 7:40 PM, Roger P. [email protected] wrote:
Anybody know of some DHT (distributed hash table) implementations
written in ruby?
GConf does something very much like this. I’ve actually been planning
to write a pure Ruby clone with a couple different database backends,
so GConf doesn’t have to be a dependency. I’ll get to it in the next
couple weeks if no one else does it first. And I’ll probably make an
alternate version that accepts more data types than GConf.
Daniel Brumbaugh K.
Daniel Brumbaugh K. wrote:
On Dec 29, 2007 7:40 PM, Roger P. [email protected] wrote:
Anybody know of some DHT (distributed hash table) implementations
written in ruby?
-RogerGConf does something very much like this. I’ve actually been planning
to write a pure Ruby clone with a couple different database backends,
so GConf doesn’t have to be a dependency. I’ll get to it in the next
couple weeks if no one else does it first. And I’ll probably make an
alternate version that accepts more data types than GConf.
Daniel Brumbaugh K.
link seems to not work?
On Dec 30, 2007 7:10 AM, Roger P. [email protected] wrote:
Anybody know of some DHT (distributed hash table) implementations
written in ruby?
Why not use Memcache? ( As Ford Prefect would have said, “My mouth
will shut itself, If i don’t speak the obvious” )
Hemant K. wrote:
Why not use Memcache? ( As Ford Prefect would have said, “My mouth
will shut itself, If i don’t speak the obvious” )
That’s a very good idea. I guess the only reason is that theoretically
they should scale better if you get say 1 million clients. Downloading
the list of clients would be problematic, whereas DHT’s don’t need
knowledge of the entire system at the get go.
But I’m with you memcache would be easier
I’ve got an old Chord implementation in java knocking around somewhere
that’s reference based on the paper (well, with the obvious bug fixed
anyway), I’ve been talking about porting it to ruby for some time…
Would Chord do?
I suppose it’d be as good as any. I don’t need it ASAP (opendht might
work well enough for now), but just seeing if one exists.
I might write it to use EventMachine once I do find one
Take care.
James T. wrote:
I’ve got an old Chord implementation in java knocking around somewhere
that’s reference based on the paper (well, with the obvious bug fixed
anyway), I’ve been talking about porting it to ruby for some time…Would Chord do?
On Jan 1, 2008 10:49 AM, Roger P. [email protected] wrote:
Daniel Brumbaugh K.
link seems to not work?
The link works is accurate, you may want to make sure you’re getting
the full link, everything between <>, not including them. If you
prefer, like this
Daniel Brumbaugh K.
On Dec 30, 2007 9:40 AM, Roger P. [email protected] wrote:
Anybody know of some DHT (distributed hash table) implementations
written in ruby?
I wrote one once:
It’s a Chord implementation using DRb. Have a look at the code in the
Subversion repository. It’s sorta workable, but your mileage may vary.