Registration is now open for Ruby DCamp, the first ever Open Spaces-
style Ruby conference in the world (as far as we know).
Open Spaces conferences are sometimes also known as BarCamps or
unconferences. There are no hired speakers or fixed agendas –
attendees themselves are the speakers, and organize the schedule. We
propose our own content, and vote on the candidates. Bored with a
session? No problem – you are encouraged to leave it anytime and
find another one that better suits you.
Although there may be some conventional style presentations, there is
no restriction on the activity – it could also be a round table
discussion or a hack session.
The conference is on the weekend of October 11th and 12th at the
Holiday Inn at Ballston, Arlington, Virginia (in the Washington DC
metro area). It’s metro accessible, and parking at the hotel is free
for all attendees. The hotel has provided us a discounted rate of
$109 plus tax for the nights of October 10th and 11th (just tell them
you’re with Ruby DCamp). Conference registration costs $100 for the
two days. This only partially covers expenses, so if you are able to
give more, possibly a $250 bronze sponsorship, that would be really
Attendance is limited to 150 people, so please sign up soon. We
welcome Rubyists at all levels from all over.
Here are some URL’s:
Main Web S.:
Registration Page:
Wiki: BarCamp / Ruby DCamp
- The Ruby DCamp Team