On Feb 12, 2006, at 20:16, Alex C. wrote:
On 2/11/06, Matthew S. [email protected] wrote:
The block should take two parameters and return a boolean value.
Its the thing with the boolean that I dont get. This seems to be
some prior knowledge of a particular ruby method.
I’ve searched Array and String and dont see anything that fits.
Well, it’s meant to illustrate a very handy property of blocks, but
it doesn’t assume anything about knowledge of a particular Ruby
method. It does seem to assume some previous knowledge of how
searching and sorting works, though.
What is this boolean supposed to show? Booleans can me on/off
true/false, found/not_found, or many other things.
Booleans don’t mean anything by themselves, the semantics is imposed
by how they’re used. Let’s say I give you two methods that operate
on two strings: is_shorter? and is_longer? The boolean value ‘true’
has two precisely opposite meanings.
So in this case, the semantics of the boolean value is dependent only
on what happens in the block. The method calling the block (i.e.
find_it) will treat ‘true’ in the same way no matter what its
particular semantics are.
For example, “true” could mean “the first argument is shorter than
the second” or vice-versa. It could mean that the first argument has
more vowels than the second. It could mean that the first argument
starts with a letter closer to ‘a’ than the second argument. Passing
any of these blocks to find_it will change exactly what’s being
found. (This is a big hint.)
If the guide just stated what the boolean is for, or even better what
method they want used that returns a boolean I’m sure this would
be a rather simple problem.
Well, from the above examples, I hope it’s clear that they don’t have
any particular method in mind that returns a boolean. Just that
there’s a block which takes two things, and returns a boolean value.
find_it will deal with a ‘true’ result from one block in exactly the
same way as it deals with a ‘true’ result from any other block, and
what that means only depends on the block.
David gave you a few big hints, so I’ll go one baby step further to
start you off: reduce the problem to a simpler one. Assume that
you’re trying to implement longest_string by doing only pair-wise
comparisons. The comparison is done by a separate method which takes
two strings and returns true/false. You’ll need to decide the
following questions, among others:
- What does a ‘true’ result from the comparison method mean?
- HOw should you order the comparisons to get the desired overall
I would expect that when you get that far, you’ll be able to make the
connection with how the block version is supposed to work, and why
it’s able to do any number of different jobs depending on what block
you give it. If not, I’ll be happy to answer any other questions you
have (though off-list, probably, since this seems to be getting less
and less general-interest).
Finding the longest or shortest string in an array is so trivial.
This really seems more like an exercise on howto structure blocks
and pass variables to methods.
result = arr.sort_by {|w| w.length};
shortest,longest = result[0],result[-1]
You’re exactly right. The point isn’t to teach you how to find the
shortest or longest string in an array. It’s more to teach you how
Ruby can use blocks, how the results of general methods can be
altered depending on the block they’re passed, and how you might go
about writing such a general method.
Programming examples generally tend towards trivial, easily solved
things with baroque restrictions on how to do them. Trivial examples
are picked precisely because they’re trivial - the student knows
what needs to be done, and can easily see when you have the right
answer and when you don’t. The restrictions are used to illustrate
particular techniques and ways of thinking about problems in general.
best of luck,
matthew smillie.
Matthew S. [email protected]
Institute for Communicating and Collaborative Systems
University of Edinburgh