How can we use an array created in Ruby in Java script ?
How can we use an array created in Ruby in Java script ?
2010/1/18 Prashant [email protected]:
How can we use an array created in Ruby in Java script ?
Convert it to appropriate strings and include it in the script.
Remember that the view template is run in the server generating text
that is passed to the browser. Then the javascript is run in the
Colin L. wrote:
2010/1/18 Prashant [email protected]:
How can we use an array created in Ruby in Java script ?
Convert it to appropriate strings and include it in the script.
You can retrieve the appropriate string by simply saying:
Consider using something like
<%= javascript_tag( yield :js_declarations ) %>
in your application.html.erb and
<% content_for :js_declarations, “var array = #{@array.to_json};” %>
in the view.
Regards, T.
2010/1/18 Prashant [email protected]:
     }I am making some mistake in using json but could not figure out what.
Have a look at the html source of the page (View/Page Source or
similar in browser) and see what you generating. Then you should be
able to work out what is wrong.
Colin L. wrote:
2010/1/18 Prashant [email protected]:
     }I am making some mistake in using json but could not figure out what.
Have a look at the html source of the page (View/Page Source or
similar in browser) and see what you generating. Then you should be
able to work out what is wrong.
For this you should of course know that JS doesn’t only not need
HTML-escaping but doesn’t understand it. So
var files = ["bla","blubb"];
is syntactically wrong. Should be:
var files = [“bla”,“blubb”];
This means: never use h (<%h %>) for Javascript.
Use array.to_json and send it over to the client. For example, you
could use an AJAX call to do that.
I tried using json but I am doing some mistake because of which I am
not able to get value properly I have such code in ruby file
@files = Dir.glob("*.txt").to_json
In view file
var files= (’<%= h @files -%>’);
When I see the alert I get a complete string containing list of all
files When I run this alert I see one character printed at a time iso
a single file name.
I am making some mistake in using json but could not figure out what.
Can you please help ?
T. N. T. wrote:
Colin L. wrote:
2010/1/18 Prashant [email protected]:
How can we use an array created in Ruby in Java script ?
Convert it to appropriate strings and include it in the script.
You can retrieve the appropriate string by simply saying:
Consider using something like
<%= javascript_tag( yield :js_declarations ) %>
in your application.html.erb and
<% content_for :js_declarations, “var array = #{@array.to_json};” %>
in the view.
That’s kind of a bad way of doing it. Instead, put the JSON in a hidden
div in your HTML, then have your JS read it from there. This will avoid
mixing JS and HTML.
Regards, T.
Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]
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